Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Messing With My Safe Place


Mandevilla beside our garage

A few weeks ago I asked Sue, who lives in "Tornado Alley," if she has designated a safe place in her home to seek refuge if there is a serious storm warning. Yes, she has given it some thought.

Gary and I have talked about this a couple of times where we live since tornados spawned by hurricanes can be a threat in our area. Our conclusion was that the best place in this house would be our master bedroom closet for the following reasons:

~ it's pretty much in the center of our house

~ water pipes are in the walls, thereby adding a little more stability to structure

~ the outer walls of the house are concrete block.

But of course, these are just precautions because storms can rise very quickly and getting to our safe place could be problematic for a lot of reasons.

Over the past month some of my other "safe places" have been threatened for a variety of reasons. To name a few (some more serious than others):

Personal appearance: an unsatisfactory haircut can mess with a gal's self-image and her standards of attractiveness.

Favorite recipe: counting on something that never fails to please.

Home improvements: while welcome, can disrupt normal routines.

Health diagnosis: can thrill or threaten calm 

Too much of anything can throw off equilibrium. Long held habits or traditions or even relationships may signal necessary change.

the calm scene as we enter and exit our neighborhood

Our current adventure has affected safe places within our house as new vinyl flooring is replacing (actually, installed on top of) the ceramic tile that came with the house in 2007. All floor surfaces with the exception of the two bedrooms and Gary's office (which are all carpeted) and the lanai are getting the new, beautiful improvement.

our choice: the two tiles in center of picture
in the flooring show room

We did our homework, asking our neighborhood FaceBook group for recommendations for flooring companies. Also Gary did a lot of research on the Internet before we began visiting show rooms.

our choice

We learned early on, to our surprise, that the "plank" look is currently more popular than the more "marbled" look we wanted. As attractive as that is, we felt the marbled designs befitted a more formal, Florida decor better.

front door entry and dining room
(before the new flooring)

As you can imagine, this is no small project. The installers would move the furniture back and forth as they worked, but before that it was up to us to remove the smaller pieces of furniture, knick knacks, the breakables in the china cabinet, and just in general, get things ready for the workmen.

the holding area

Much of what had to be removed from the work areas got carried to the lanai, which is also serving as our refuge while the installation is in process. 

some of our pretties

After so much of the never-used-anymore glassware was spread out before us, we decided it was time to "lighten the load." A combination of some of these things, as well as the contents of the upper kitchen cabinets, filled to the brim EIGHT boxes, which we loaded in the bed of our truck and hauled off to my favorite donation business.

Talk about dealing with one's comfort zones!! These pieces had their own stories, if they could speak, of wedding gifts, parties, get-well gifts, relationships come and gone, and so forth that fiddled with my thoughts as I handled them. 

Over the span of my adult years, I have been in the position of having to dispose of personal belongings and keepsakes for nearly half a dozen family members. My conclusion in these situations is to allow practicality to reign over sentimentality. 

For sure, sentimentality has its place for some measure of emotional stability, but it costs more time and space to store and delays the ultimate outcome -- the need to just get rid of it.

Now to address a "safe place" that is our refuge this week: my readers are very familiar with my frequent references to our afternoons spent in this "Florida Room" oasis:

lanai decorated with
Gary's marathon posters

How grateful I am for this "safe place" with its wicker furniture (more than what is pictured here), radio/CD/tape player with a very big collection of favorite tunes, a ceiling fan and a floor fan, and large windowed walls on two sides with views of pines, palms, bushes, flowers, and patio. There is no air conditioning out here (it's where I am as I compose this article) but fans are a huge help. (However, the humidity does make my fingers to kinda stick to the keys as I type on my lap top......🙄)

my study area in the guest room

Another "safe place" in our home is my study area. Much (but not all) of my studying, reading, bill-paying, and social media activities take place right here. Early in our relationship, I told Gary I needed a private place for my desk because daily devotional reading helps to center me for the rest of the day. He has generously supported that.

Even though I said the bedrooms are not getting new flooring, this particular room needs to have the carpet stretched, which is something these same workmen will do for us. So I've had to vacate this area, thereby dismantling my personal "safe place" temporarily. This is putting my memory to a test as I need to know where I've placed important items in the interim.

our garage

The actual flooring work began yesterday as a portion of our garage was taken over with equipment. In this picture the baseboards have been removed and carefully labeled so re-installation will be easier after the new tile is down. These boards will be painted, too.

old on the left, black fabric in center, new vinyl on the right

The laying of the new product began this morning. The black fabric is applied first, on top of the old tiles (which have been verified to be perfectly level/flat) and then the new tiles interlock with each other on top of the black material. NO GROUT! (yay!) 

today's lunch destination

While sequestered on the lanai late this morning, we were talking about some errands we needed to run. Gary suggested we get lunch while out.  Steak for him, baby back ribs for me.

this undisturbed "safe place".....
a good night's sleep!

We are doing very well through this big disruption in our home, even with the twinges on the emotions. Over all, of course, we are grateful to be able to do this, another home improvement. 

As I close with my habit of including applicable scripture, I don't mean to be melodramatic, but these phrases from Psalm 46 come to mind:

God is our refuge and strength....

though the earth be removed,

and though the mountains 

 carried into the midst of the sea;

though the mountains shake with

the swelling thereof....

The Lord of hosts is with us;

the God of Jacob is our refuge.

Until next time, grace and peace.

P.S. If you are able to comment, maybe you could share what is your "safe place."


Martha Jane Orlando said...

We do have a designated safe space for bad storms in our laundry room/music studio downstairs. Fortunately, we haven't had to sequester ourselves there for quite a while and hope that continues!
My safe place for my soul is when I can have quiet and calm at home with Danny. I do love your renovations, Barbara, and hope you will share photos here when the project is completed.
Blessings always!

Mari said...

Oh my, this is a lot of disruption in your home. The finished part looks very nice!
I'm dealing with hair issues after my cut so I feel your pain on that one.
I've been going through a lot of things and trying to be practical and not too sentimental. After going through my Dad's things, I want to be ahead of that for my kids, even though his wasn't too bad.
For safety from a storm, we have a family room in the basement that is safe.
Otherwise, I love my chair in the living room which has my laptop next to it. I do a lot there and Bob sits in his chair or on the couch near me.

Anonymous said...

Oh Barbara, (Pam here from Closed Doors Open Windows). We went through this same kind of upheaval almost 2 years ago here in our home. I know exactly what you are going through, but we had our bedroom floor done as well so we had to move out of our bedroom and stay in the guest room for a week. It was quite an event, but well worth the effort. I am sure you will feel the same way. I love your choice of new floor. I’m sure you will love it. And yay for no grout!!!! Regarding out safe space, since ours is a manufactured home there really isn’t a safe space. But we have considered where we would run in a bad storm/tornado threat, and would probably go in our guest bathroom, as there are no windows and no large trees too close. Either there or our master bathroom bedroom closet. I pray we never have to use either one. I enjoyed your post and look forward to seeing your new floor when it is finished!

Terri D said...

New floors are on my to-do list and the disruption is what I am dreading. Family 'heirlooms' mean nothing to the next generations. Kids and grandkids just don't want "stuff" even when it has deep family meaning. It's sad, but I am seriously thinking of filling some boxes as well. It hurts though. Deep breath. Your new floors are beautiful!!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Oh, my goodness, this would be me totally out of my comfort zone. But, the end result will sure be worth it. My safe place "of sorts" is home in the evening in my recliner. Our safe place from the storms is our guest bathroom in the middle of the house (it has no windows). Hoping things go smoothly and quickly. Abundant blessings!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You have a lovely house. Enjoy.

God bless you and your family.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Not sure if my comment from yesterday didn't go through because I was anonymous, but I did identify myself. I was commiserating with you regarding the current 'mess' you find yourself in, as we did the same thing a couple of years ago here at this house. Although, we also did our Master Bedroom, so we had to move into the guest room for the week! That was interesting! We took our TV in there and basically camped out in bed while the men worked in the rest of the house! And you know how much STUFF I have to pack up from the living room, my little room with a view, and our bedroom! But I've never regretted it, except for the fact that now I can see the dust kitties more obviously than we could on carpet! LOL. I know you will love your new floor when all is done. My safe place here in this manufactured home is...well...there really isn't one if we have a major storm upon us, but we would probably go in the guest bathroom as there are no windows in there, or our master closet. Or, if there is time, we would drive the mile to our son's concrete block home! Praying we never have to worry about that.... Have a happy Independence Day!!

Robin in Virginia said...

Your new flooring is going to look incredible when finished. Overall, I would say home is considered our safe place. In the event of a severe weather event, the safe place is the area in the basement under the stairs. Thinking of you as you deal with the upheaval that a home improvement project provides.

Sandy said...

Any home renewal item disrupts everything. It is great when it is finished but sends in to a tailspin while it is happening. I have had a wee bit too many of those disruptions to my safe zone for a while now.
The floor is going to look amazing and yes to no grout. I wish I could go back and redo all mine!

Linda said...

I really like the flooring, smiles. Well, we live in a mobile home/retirement community, so really, there are no safe places...rest assured though, if and when a hurricane comes, and since I am considered an essential employee, I will be at work...and hubby and Ms. Lily Belle will be allowed at the training building --although he won't leave the house...he rather stay behind. But overall, my safe place is wherever 'home' is. That might sound cliche, but wherever I can safely lay my head down at night, I am ok with. Like you, and I so understand where you're coming from, my safe places have been somewhat compromised. I have learned to just go with it...life is short, so why bother with worrying over things? That my friend, is hard for me. smiles (just keeping it real)

ellen b. said...

I don't think there is a safe place in a manufactured home. :) We will have to head for the hills! Actually the biggest threat in these parts is fire. With that we'd have to evacuate. That's a lot of work you two did. Hopefully everything will find it's way to it's perfect spot soon.

Hurricane Aftermath

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