Saturday, July 20, 2024

Making Each Day Better



Wow. What a week this has been in our nation! It was within an hour after I published my last post, Documenting Real Life,  that life issued some hard knocks with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the serious injuries to some innocent bystanders, the shocking death of another bystander, and the quick fatal shooting of the sniper who caused it all. 

A few short days later the announcement was made that our current President was diagnosed with COVID, adding more fuel to the conversations regarding his suitability to run for re-election. 

I assure you, my readers, that I won't get into political talk here. It's not that I don't have strong opinions but rather, I just don't want to get into the varied rhetoric that would inevitably follow. 

framed photo in hospital room

But I will share with you something the Lord has been telling me recently and how the location of that bullet was another confirmation to me of how God is in control of all that happens.

A few weeks ago we had to make another unplanned trip to the hospital some 90 miles away, spent the night, and came home with questions about why this was happening and what could be done to improve the situation. 

During the long hours of waiting for doctors, enduring tests, and waiting for treatment, I sat leaning against a wall staring at the picture straight ahead of me. The ocean waves reminded me of a conversation God and Old Testament Job were having where God said the following:

Who kept the sea inside its boundaries

as it burst from the womb, 

and as I clothed it with clouds 

and wrapped it in thick dark?

For I locked it behind barred gates,

limiting its shores.

I said, 'This far and no farther will you come.

Here you proud waves must stop!'

Job 38:8-11 (NLT)

It is God who tells the ocean waves just how far they can swiftly roll up the sandy beach. 

It is God who tells our troubles how much they can attack us. 

Therefore we know it was God who told that bullet how close it could get to Donald Trump's skull. To apply this thought to each of us, it is God who is in control of the damage our troubles give to us. 

So as we turn over in our minds the issues that challenge us, we do well to remember the God who loves us is in absolute control of our lives in every detail. Whatever He allows, good or bad, is for a purpose for our good. We can trust that He is in control. I love the illustration of God-ordained boundaries for ocean waves and our troubles. 

bench in my neighbor's yard

Now I'll move on to more pleasant topics, starting with some of the questions posed by Joyce at her weekly Hodgepodge blog earlier this week. I won't respond to all of her questions because I have other things to share and need to keep this from getting too long.

Question #1: What is an adult problem nobody prepared you for?

I have been mulling this over for several days and have to admit that just about anything that has given me a disturbing challenge as an adult, I had actually seen in some ways illustrated to me in my growing up years. Had I paid more attention at the time, perhaps the upsets would have been less. 

But with that said, the relatively sudden death of my husband of 50 years did hit me with a distinct feeling of being unprepared. 

Conclusions I have reached about that are to accept what cannot be changed and to "live in the moment" now. It also helps to not borrow trouble from the future nor to get stuck in sadness regarding the past. 

2. Without mentioning any tech, what's your most prized possession? 


4. (skipping question 3 for the sake of brevity) What makes a friendship successful? 

A good friend knows how to handle words and listens without judging. When advice is given, it is with kindness and gentleness. Harsh words, belittling, guilt-inducing accusations cannot be taken back, hurt the listener like the dickens and are hard to forget. Words can kill or heal. They flow from wisdom or foolishness.  

Facebook wisdom

Leaving the Hodgepodge questions, I've got more to share from this past week:

new couches, new rug

The new area rug arrived earlier than expected. (how often does that happen?!!!) Neighbors who are younger than us helped lift the heavy furniture so we could tuck the rug under. We plan to order another rug just like this one, only in a smaller size, to put under the dining room table and chairs. Then we expect to be done with home improvements. 👍🏻

movie poster

On another day, Gary took me on a movie matinee date, which is a good idea for people our age. Nighttime movies can turn into an expensive nap when viewed other than at home! Fly Me to the Moon was enjoyable, clean, and had a good moral ending. Yes, it was a 'chick flick' but with science and space, so Gary was okay with it. (and it was his idea to go!)

I've seen Scarlett Johansen in a lot of movies but this one was my favorite. Set in 1969, the costuming was a sweet memory, when fashions were definite all-girl or all-boy (with the exception of one eccentric character in the story). I was 19 the year this story took place, so it brought back fun memories.

Mary and me

Since marrying Gary my (already large) family has grown to a blended multitude. I have a couple more sons, two more daughters-in-law, at least 4 more grands and their spouses, and I'm even a step great-grandmother to three little ones!! I lose count every time I try to add them all up. 

This week Mary drove up to see us for a few hours. Leaving Gary at home, I took her to our golf club grill for a lunch of French Dip sandwiches with coleslaw. We had a wonderful time getting better acquainted. She knows how to bring out the best in people and I am blessed to have her in my life.

one of my current hobbies

Now that the Republican National Convention is over, I spent a couple of hours catching up on some of the speeches we recorded this week. Living in the Eastern Time Zone, much of the activity we wanted to see happened at our bedtime. But just sitting to watch one speech after another can be boring, so I gathered my pencils and one of my coloring books. That made the time more pleasant.

I close with this graphic that has helped me deal with some of the "stuff of life." Maybe it will be an encouragement to you as well.

The Lord be with your spirit. 

Grace (blessing) be with you. 

II Timothy 4:22


Linda said...

Keeping you both in prayer. And it makes my heart happy to know you are getting along with your blended family, smiles. Wishing you a beautiful rest of the weekend.

Mari said...

What a powerful post! I love the verses in Job that speak of Gods power - "Who stores the snow"... the verses you posted about the waves speak so well to God's control over all that happens and what a comfort that is. Thanks for sharing. I'll keep you both in my prayers.

Terri D said...

Mary is lovely and how nice to have a girls' lunch with time to talk!! I don't write about politics here or on Facebook and rarely follow the news but have been more engaged this last week and agree that God is in control and showed His power in the events mentioned here in your blog. It was a miracle that the bullets missed (there were three!). I like your new floors and furniture, Barb! I'm starting to look at flooring! Hugs!

Billie Jo said...

What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the words of our God. That brings me great comfort! I also color when I watch TV. It keeps me from scrolling! I love your rug, too. Have a cozy evening!

Robin in Virginia said...

It is always so good to see a new post from you, Barbara. God is definitely in control as evidenced by the attempted assassination and other items in our lives. The last graphic you shared is spot on. Well, I am sorry about the return visit to the hospital. I am praying for the two of you and praying the doctors come up with a plan. The rug looks great. Wouldn't be amazing that things were early or even on time on a regular basis? Thinking of you.

ellen b. said...

Those verses from Job are so good to read and digest. A week filled to the brim with good, bad and ugly, too. Sorry about that 90 mile trip and pray all will be well. Great choice of rug to bring that seating area together. Glad you got some help with it. Take care and grace and peace to you.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I'm always uplifted by your posts, Barbara, as they are always God-centered and encouraging. Remembering that God is in control, always, focuses me on what really matters in this life.
Sorry you had to be back in the hospital, but glad to know you two didn't have to stay there. Your home is looking more welcoming and lovely each day!
Blessings, my friend!

Creations By Cindy said...

God is in total control of our lives for sure! Love the picture of you and DIL. Hope your week goes great! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Becki said...

I did a fair amount of crocheting while listening/watching some of the RNC convention last week. I felt more hopeful than I have in years. I hope I feel the same listening to the DNC convention. Thanks for another thoughtful post, Barbara.

Joyce said...

I think of that verse every time I stand before the sea. It is such a comfort to know we are not in charge of the universe, that God knows the end from the beginning and His plan for this tired troubled earth will come to be exactly as He has ordained. I hope all is well with Gary. Take care.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for a very thoughtful post and for all the lovely photos and quotations.

God bless you always.

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

Another great post and what fun that you and Gary's DIL enjoyed lunch and some time together. A happy weekend to you!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I thought I had commented on this post, but I think what happened was I read it on my phone and that is too difficult to make comments, so I probably thought I would get back to it later. So here I am...just five days later! LOL. I enjoyed this post and all of the thoughts shared. I love the photo of you with your new daughter in law. I'm so happy that you have acquired such lovely new additions to your family...and I am certain they are happy to have you as well! Your thoughts regarding God being in control, etc., are right on! Even our grandson said these same kind of sentiments in our wonderful conversation this week. We were so thankful to learn that he recognized God's providence in all of this. Hope you and Gary are doing well and enjoying this wonderful "warm weather". We had quite a lot of rain today, and we are so thankful for it. Take care and God bless you both.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's so wonderful to have a busy fulfilling life. I like the quote about the past. I try not to dwell on the past and look forward to things in the future. Enjoy your day!

Pausing to Honor My Mother

  source There is a time for everything... Ecclesiastes 3:1 Late last night my mother w as ushered through Heaven's Gate. Her death came...