life guard chairs at Jacksonville Beach January 2019 |
Today I'm linking up with Joyce and friends to answer the Hodgepodge questions.
1. It has been said January is 'the month of opportunity, inspiration, and change.' Which of the three do you need most right now? Elaborate.
The holiday season preceding January seems to take a bit more out of me every year, even though I've slowed down considerably. In following BillieJo's blog, Afternoon Coffee and Morning Tea, I've been intrigued with her thoughts on using winter as a time to rest, just as nature does. That seems like a pretty good idea to me.
So to answer the question, opportunity, inspiration, and change do not resonate with me in the month of January.
2. Do you consider opportunity as something that comes to you or something you create for yourself?
Life has taught me that I tend to be pretty impulsive. I'm thinking opportunity is something I need to allow to come to me because creating it for myself tends to involve decisions that have not been well thought out.
3. The British Museum opened on January 15th, 1759. Do you like visiting museums? Do you have a favorite?
Yes, I like visiting museums and special exhibits in public buildings. My two all-time favorites are in Washington DC: The Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and The Smithsonian Museum of American History.
Since I have been an avid quilter for much of my adult life, sometime I would like to visit The National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. I have been through Paducah many times (always while en route to either Illinois or Florida), but it's never been at a time when it was convenient to visit the quilts.
I'll step off the Hodgepodge briefly to share snapshots of some of my quilts. I have made quilts for many babies, both in my family and for church baby showers. But these here were made for home decor.
Carrots for my mother's kitchen wall (she made the brown autumn leaf decor) |
variation of the American flag for my home |
pre-cut pink squares assembled by hand and hand-quilted (most of my quilts were machine pieced and quilted) |
Kandy Korn table topper |
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Moose in the Woods 2002 |
This last one is an Irish Chain pattern (one of my favorite patterns, used many times) with a stenciled moose in the center surrounded by evergreen trees. I never did actually quilt this one but chose instead to "tie it off" with old buttons. I hung this on the walls of 3 of our houses over the years.
4. It's National Oatmeal Month (yes, apparently it gets a whole month as opposed to a single day). Do you like oatmeal? Yes How often do you eat a bowl of oatmeal? Not often enough. Pouring a bowl of Cheerios is much faster. How do you like yours? I like oatmeal from the packets because preparation is easy. What about an oatmeal cookie? Of course! Include chocolate chips, too! Is that a sweet treat you enjoy? Need I answer this??? ðŸ¤
5. What's something useful you learned in high school?
Driver's Ed is what most quickly comes to mind.
6. Insert your own random thought here.
We watched the confirmation hearing for Pete Hegseth. I thought he handled himself very well. I also appreciated the comments by one of the Republicans who addressed faults and imperfections -- which we all have. (Remember Romans 3:23 that says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.")
When people are repentant of their mistakes, God is not done with them and nor should we. Yes, we need to be discerning in what we entrust to them in the future, but to close the door on them completely is not God's way.
I think of the Apostle Paul, known in the New Testament as a persecutor of Christ-followers until God confronted him in a powerful way that completely changed him for the good.
Forgive. Relate wisely to others. Leave judging to God.
Until next time, grace and peace. We all need it.
The Hodgepodge questions were taken from this link:
I'm so impressed with your quilts! I used to make quilted pillows, but never the whole quilt.
I liked Billie Jo's idea of resting in winter too. I have a hard time with that and feel lazy when I do it, but my husband keeps reminding me that I'm retired and need to learn to relax. So I'm working on that!
We saw some of the hearing too and really appreciated what that Senator had to say!
Your quilts are beautiful. My across-the-street neighbor, Dee, is a passionate quilter. She spends part of every day in her sewing room and belongs to two quilting clubs. The creative process involved really is fascinating. I enjoyed your post!! Sending a hug!
Barbara, your quilts took my breath away - they are so creative and beautiful! You certainly are a woman of many creative talents, my friend. We watched the hearings for Pete Hegseth today, too. He exudes the strength that God gives to those who admit they are sinners and fall short of His glory. Danny and I both came away with confidence and assurance that with servant leaders like Pete, this country is on God's track once again.
Blessings to you and Gary!
I enjoyed the pictures of your quilts, Barbara. There is a quilt museum here in Virginia that I want to visit sometime in 2025. Enjoy your Wednesday.
Beautiful quilts! And yes to chocolate chips in an oatmeal cookies (raisins are okay but nothing like the added goodness of chocolate chips!) I like BillieJo's idea of taking cues from nature for January as well. I hope your month has been calm, peace-filled with plenty of glimpses of beauty all around. Happy Wednesday to you!
Your quilts are beautiful! I have several neighbors here who all quilt and while I find it intriguing I definitely do not need another hobby : ). Looking forward to a change in leadership! Praying all stays peaceful in the meantime.
I do admire those of you who have the patience to see a quilting project through to completion! Well done. Hats off to Pete and all the others who will be grilled. So hopeful for common sense to come back in our country. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Leave judging to God. Amen.
I like your quilts. I once took an elderly man to the museum. He was wearing old style clothes and they thought he was an exhibit and told him to stand still.
God bless.
Resting over winter sounds like such a good idea, animals hibernate so why can't we a little.
I love the sound of The National Quilt Museum, I didn't even know it was a thing. Your quilts are beautiful.
So many beautiful quilts, Barbara... As with my cross stitching, I love the idea that we will leave something concrete behind that we've created with our own hands after we pass. I hope our lovingly stitched things will be treasured. I, too, love the American History Museum--probably my favorite of the Smithsonian museums. Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend! ♥
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