Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Ministry of Green

multi-purpose path in my neighborhood

The current rainy season has just deposited another deluge of water in my neighborhood. It is mid-to-late afternoon, the usual time for a storm at this time of year. Per our usual habits, we were able to schedule our To Do List so that we were comfortably back at home before the storm began. 


Rainbow River
Dunnellon, Florida

I needed to do some business at the bank and since we were out in the right direction for it, Gary suggested we get lunch at one of my favorite spots before heading back home.


Not a stranger to my library of blog fodder, Swampy's is a very casual grilled burger (and other foods) place planted on the literal edge of the Rainbow River on Hwy 484 in the town of Dunnellon. My readers may remember my accolades of the place in previous posts.

seating options

The hostess walks us through an open-air, covered dining room to get us to where we request to sit, at an umbrella table overlooking the water. 

Rainbow River
Dunnellon, Florida

There are a few tables set indoors but in my opinion, why even go there if you don't want to sit outside? Yes, here in Florida, it's usually hot if the choice is to eat outdoors, so we come to Swampy's when the temperature is more amenable. This was a good day for that.

watching the boat traffic

The number of actors in the "show" on the river vary every time we go there. We have even been a part of the show a couple of times in the last couple of years when we rented a kayak, and another time a canoe, to paddle up river to the natural springs that create the river and then turning around to travel down river. Moving with the current was a lot easier, allowing us to just float and enjoy the flora and fauna all around us. Birds, turtles, fish ..... probably gators were close by but mid-day, they prefer to hulk in the weeds and that's just fine with us.

my plate

The menu is good but I usually get the hamburger with sweet tea (the way Southerners brew it). I opt for steamed broccoli while Gary gets fries. I got the chicken wings one time and they, too, were very good. 


Getting to the subject of "green" (referring to my post title), just for fun I'm given Kermit a brief cameo as a nod to the happy years when my family watched The Muppet Show. It was our habit on Saturday nights to get everybody's bath and hair washing out of the way, followed with pizza at the coffee table so we could watch Jim Henson's creations on television.

As for the psychology in the lyrics of his song, that's for another article another day. I included him only because he is green.

image source

My mother liked to say that God gave us so much green in nature because it's the most relaxing color for us. I decided to research that, coming across an article titled, "Why We All Need Green in Our Lives." 

Did you know the human eye sees green better than any other color in the spectrum? "Compared with residential regions where plants and greenery were sparse, [green] proved to be beneficial to mental health."

This fascinates me and once again confirms how our Creator has so carefully formed us and our world with great compassion. He gave us more green in horticulture than any other single color to aid our emotional and mental well-being.

my visit to Custer National Cemetery in
Little Bighorn Battlefield, Montana

I say that green has been used in horticulture to calm us. Beyond the plant world, blue skies help a lot, too, along with abundant sunshine.

Humans have learned to use the color green when comfort is most needed. Green makes a wonderful background for the other vibrant colors of nature.

Cosmos in one of my raised gardens, Colorado

All of the houses I've lived in since moving to Florida have had abundantly green landscapes on the back side of the floorpans. 

my back yard in Jacksonville

It's fascinating how these views have had such a calming effect on me -- and most especially over the past nearly 4 years when grief has affected my state of mind to one extent or another. 

our current view of green 
on the back side of the house

We're told when our faith falters, we should review what God has done for us in the past, taking note of the blessings. I see how our Creator has used green to minister peace and calm to rebuild my injured psyche. What a faithful God He is to provide all that we need. 

Blue Daze in our yard

Psalm 23:1 says in one translation, "Because the Lord is my shepherd, I have everything that I need."

Sometimes the most simple things around us have been divinely positioned for our good but we are oblivious, choosing instead to spend money and time on more involved remedies. It captivates me to think how simply some of our troubles can be resolved.

A song by Selah has been playing in my thoughts with these lyrics:

Be still my soul

The Lord is on your side

Bear patiently

The cross of grief or pain

Leave to thy God

To order and provide

In every change

He's faithful will remain

Be still my soul

Thy best, thy heavenly friend

Through stormy ways

Leads to a joyful end.

Until next time, grace and peace.


Linda said...

We love Swampys!!! The hamburgers are always good, smiles. Wishing you a lovely week ahead, smiles.

Robin in Virginia said...

Your meal and view at Swampy's was awesome. I love steamed broccoli. Interesting thoughts on the color green, Barbara. Happy Sunday!

ellen b. said...

We sure enjoy our green views. A joyful end to look forward to as Believers! . Swampys looks like a fun spot.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

We are blessed here in this part of the state/country to have many "green views" year round. While others may be buried in snow, we still have green leaves on trees and grass on the ground. It is a very comforting color, and I guess I never thought that much about green in particular until you wrote this. It made me stop and think about how much I do appreciate seeing the green outside our windows and just how refreshing it really is. I don't think I could live in the desert, where everything is sandy brown, or even in the city, where there is so much gray concrete and lack of trees and colorful flowers. That would be very hard for me. Thank you for sharing this made me stop and thank the Lord for all of the green surrounding us and giving us comfort and peace. What a blessing!

Terri D said...

Green has always been in my favorite top three colors. I agree with you 100%. A lovely post, Barb. Swampy's looks like a fun (and delicious) place to stop for lunch!! Wishing you blessings in the week ahead! xo

Victor S E Moubarak said...

What a lovely place to relax for a meal. I loved the Muppets Show.

God bless.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I love all the greenery around us where we live in a forest, Barbara. Sitting quietly on our deck, surrounded by such a verdant landscape, always calms and soothes me, too. God does know our needs before we ask, doesn't He? The Muppet Show was a favorite of mine, too.

Sandy said...

Well your meal amd location looks great.
I love the thoughts you shared about green, I concur on all of them. Seeing all that green truly is calming.

Joyce said...

I love the color green, pretty much all shades, and I especially love walking in woods where the tree leaves vary in green tones. I know I feel better when I'm out in it...God's grand design for us and for the world we live in is amazing. Stay safe and dry!

A Valentine Voyage

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