Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lift Thine Eyes


a sunrise over the ocean

We were sitting up in bed, leaning against our pillows, coffee mugs in hand, which is our daily routine. From the beginning Gary has got up first to meet nature's call, then stops by the kitchen to make coffee for both of us. At the same time I get up, straighten the bed covers, turn on an all-music station on the TV in our room and then climb back into bed just before he walks in with the coffee. 

We don't say much as we sip our coffee, trying in that pre-dawn hour to remember who we are and what we are supposed to be doing. 🙄 I often speak first with something non-sensical, which may or may not prompt a reply from my man. The other day it was this:

me: Thank you for waking up alive.

Gary: Yeah, that's getting to be an achievement.

So another day has begun and we are grateful for our health, our home, the coffee, and each other. 😊 (All kidding aside, health is good.)

I am sort of scratching my head as I think about what to share from this past week. Like last time, the days have been on the sober side but as Charles Dickens said, "There is always something for which to be thankful." That's the way I choose to look at life.

The family continues to process the passing a couple of weeks ago of my brother -in-law. This week a longtime family friend passed away, and then my mother exhibited "end of life behavior," as the nursing home phrased it. But hours later she was sitting up in bed, eating a sandwich for lunch. We understand this can happen over and again, so in the meantime, we just kinda "sit lightly," ready and not ready for whatever. 


A quote I read this week from Priscilla Shirer made me underline and scribble a large star in the margin of her book, Discerning the Voice of God, How to Recognize When God is Speaking. "God's goal in your life is to move you from a mental knowledge of Him to an experiential one." (page 163) Serious things lead me to wonder just what it is He wants me to know about Himself.

Of course, politics are an unsettling subject. I won't go into that.....

I continue to be drawn to books having to do with psychology from a Christian perspective. Our world is unsettled, angry, dangerous. We see behavior illustrating that on the news all the time as well as up close. This past week I completed a self-guided study of this book:


Written on a very practical level, the chapters were titled:

How to Be Wise in Relationships
Who's Pushing Your Buttons?
How to Resolve Conflict
Breaking Free From Abuse
Escaping the People-Pleaser Trap
Keeping the Crazy-Makers From Making You Crazy

Students should study this stuff in school and adults should review it occasionally. I gained a much better understanding of what is going on. My biggest take-aways can be summed up like this:

1) Hurt people hurt people.
2) Our behavior is the result from hurt we've experienced.
3) Hurt people need massive doses of kindness.


On a lighter note, I picked up this book by Chip and Joanna Gaines at the lending library here in our retirement community. I like to read biographies so maybe I can learn from the successes and mistakes of others. It's a quick read with input from both Chip and Joanna, along with some family photographs. They are more daring (risk-takers) than me, but the reading was enjoyable.

patio on the front of our home

The worst (most hot and humid) of our Florida summer is beginning to wane just a little, and how glad we are about that! Gary and I take our 1.3 mile walk after breakfast most mornings and then he sits on the front porch while I ride my bicycle that same route 3 times.  That  logs out to just slightly under 4 miles on the bike and 1+ miles on foot. (I have to do something to balance out my ice cream intake 🍦😋) 

When Gary gets cleared by the doctor to ride his bike again, it would be good if we can return to the 3-5 mile route we used to take together; but at that, it's been over 5 months since we could do that, so we may have to work back up to it. In the meantime, each time I ride past him while he's on the porch, I flip the lever on the ka-ching! bell on my handlebars and Gary waves at me from his chair with his million dollar smile.

The print below, by Norman Rockwell, is a favorite of mine. Look very closely to see the words on the sign between the cathedral doors:

"Lift up thine eyes"

How easy it is for us to look down as we contemplate our problems and world events. The solution is to lift up our eyes to the Lord, to inquire what it is He wants us to know about Himself. When we do, we will be glad we did.

I close with the link to the musical notes of "Lift Thine Eyes" from the Canterbury Cathedral. Many of you, like me, enjoyed singing this in your school choirs. The harmony is exquisite. 

Until next time, grace and peace.


Mari said...

I love your morning routine and your humor!
The books you've been reading sound good. The Christian psychology one is something I should look for. You have good takeaways from it.
I don't know if I ever saw that Norman Rockwell print. I do enjoy his work and that one has a timeless message!

Lea @ CiCis Corner said...

What a sweet morning you and Gary share each day. I'm up and at it by 5:30 and Hubby around 7:30. He is not a morning person and has such back issues that he almost dreads getting up. :o(( I understand about your Mom for sure. Daddy was hospitalized 5 days last week after his bad fall and he's back at the facility with sitters from 7:00AM - 8:00PM. He'll never be what he was before the fall but we just take it a day at a time for now. Have a great new week!

Terri D said...

A lovely post, Barb! Your sweet morning routine with your man is precious!! I love that you ring your bell when you ride past the house on your ride. Sure hope he gets the all clear and can join you again soon!! I'm looking forward to not getting up at 5:30. I'm much happier when I can sleep in until 7:00 or 7:30. Sending a hug your way! Once I'm 'retired' again, perhaps we can plan a meet-up in Ocala?!

Linda said...

I am up by 3:30-him by 5 (only to see me off at 6). I prefer to sit in silence and drink my coffee-him not so much, lol. But then I remember he spent nearly a yr not talking due to the stroke he had. ANYWAYS, it is always a pleasure to see you post my friend. Keeping you both in prayer.

Becki said...

Barbara, what a sweet picture you've painted of you riding your bike, ka-chinging Gary as you ride by, and him smiling and waving at you. You two are pretty cute. I don't think I've ever seen that Rockwell painting. Thank you for pointing out the words, and for the thoughts here. Good stuff to meditate on.

Joyce said...

What a good and needed reminder in these trying times. Thank you for sharing.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Waking up alive has become our reminder, too, Barbara, especially after all Danny has been through this year. It has deeply affected both of us, and our entire routines have had to change, i.e., his medical PTSD does't allow him to feel comfortable alone. While we love doing things together always, it is challenging to have to share shopping trips and medical appointments as any personal activities have to be curtailed like writing, etc. But I never doubt that God knows what He's doing in all of it.
Blessings to you and to Gary!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Every morning, thank God for another day.

God bless always.

Robin in Virginia said...

I enjoyed reading about your morning routine, Barbara. The first thing I do is to say a prayer of thanks for another day of being alive. I have made a note about the books you shared in this post and added them to my list. Hope you have an enjoyable last week of August.

ellen b. said...

I'm so thankful God gave us His Word, The Bible to tell us all He wants us to know about Him as God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. What an amazing book we can hold in our hands and learn from. Glad things are going well in Florida for the two of you! These are the best of times to Lift our Eyes! Happy new week to you both!

Sandy said...

Lift up our eyes! Yes, I have needed to do that a lot these past couple of weeks. I loved the Piscilla Shirer book. That was one of my favorite Bible studies a few years back. I do enjoy reading both fiction and nonfiction. I can just see you hitting that bell going by. I hope both of you are back out there when it cools down. Just think you might be the one going slow for him:) AND that will be just fine.

Carol said...

I'm glad to read that things are cooling off a bit for you in FL, Barbara, and I hope Gary is soon well enough to join you on your bike rides. Loved reading your morning routine. We have a similar one... my husband wakes up and makes his coffee (which I don't drink) and then comes upstairs to sit in the chair by our bed to read his paper while I catch up on emails and look at the news. Just a nice quiet hour for the two of us :) Enjoy this last week of August! ♥

Pamela M. Steiner said...

This was such a good post, Barbara. I am sorry I didn't comment sooner. I read it earlier from my cell phone, but have found that it is difficult to make comments from there unless I am "anonymous", so I usually tell myself that I will comment later when I get back to my computer. However, life gets in the way and by the time I get back to my computer my list of things to do has grown and I forget what else I had intended to do. I wanted to say to you how sorry I was to hear about your brother in law's passing, and then a good friend, and now your mother is exhibiting those signs of preparation to make that transition from this life to her eternal home. I know how hard these times can be, especially when you are so far away. Thinking of you and praying for peace of mind and heart in all of the above. Take care my friend. (((hugs)))

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful view from your patio! I love that you start your day with humor. And a made/straightened bed...and a hubbie that makes your coffee. AND delivers it to you in bed. Delightful!!

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