Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Escaping August

Our hostess for Hodgepodge questions Volume 566 helps us neatly tie up this month so we can move on to September. Always cleverly-phrased, tempting us to dig up the deep stuff in our thoughts, Joyce has given us the following questions:

1. What is one cliche [or phrase] you think is nonsense? What's one you think holds truth? 

“With that said …” is a phrase [not a cliche] I use often in my writing and every time I do, I think I should be more creative. With that said, 🙄, I’ll move on to the next question.

2. What's the last thing you broke and how did it happen? 

.I can’t think of anything in particular right now except that I have broken a promise to myself that I would not eat too much ice cream.😋

3. Are you a fan of s'mores? Have you had a s'more this summer? Last thing you ate that you wanted to ask for 's'more of'

.I love S’mores but haven’t had one in years.

Since much of what we eat here at home is single servings of “heat-and-eat” from the freezer case, we seldom have leftovers for ’s’more. 😏 That’s just as well. 

But since the subject of S’mores has come up, I’ll repeat what I said in a recent post. A mug of hot chocolate with 3 of those really large jet-puffed marshmallows stuffed on top is super-good!

4. A mode of transportation you've never tried? Will you someday? 

photo source

. Hang gliding, nope, not if I'm in my right mind!!!! 

5. Believe it or not, next week's Hodgepodge lands in a brand new month. What's your happiest memory from the month we're bidding adieu? 

.August 2024 has had some somber issues come up, so "happiest" is a word that falls short this time. However, “satisfaction” is probably a better word because worrisome things are getting addressed and I’m thankful for that.

Also, the worst of our intense hot, humid summer is probably behind us -- that is a reason to be genuinely happy.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

.After responding to question #5, I'll become more upbeat by illustrating a few of my favorite things:

my husband at his desk, proofreading my blog

our new couches and area rug

my return to a former hairstyle that is 
much more "bicycle helmet friendly"

embellishing my Bible study times
with colored pencils

Until next time, grace and peace.

If you care to answer these same questions on your blog, click on this link to join in:

Post Script: The refrigerator repairman gave us a very helpful tip this afternoon. When the appliance is making a funny sound, record it with your cell phone so you can play it back for the repair person. This is much better than trying to copy the sound with your voice. How clever!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Lift Thine Eyes


a sunrise over the ocean

We were sitting up in bed, leaning against our pillows, coffee mugs in hand, which is our daily routine. From the beginning Gary has got up first to meet nature's call, then stops by the kitchen to make coffee for both of us. At the same time I get up, straighten the bed covers, turn on an all-music station on the TV in our room and then climb back into bed just before he walks in with the coffee. 

We don't say much as we sip our coffee, trying in that pre-dawn hour to remember who we are and what we are supposed to be doing. 🙄 I often speak first with something non-sensical, which may or may not prompt a reply from my man. The other day it was this:

me: Thank you for waking up alive.

Gary: Yeah, that's getting to be an achievement.

So another day has begun and we are grateful for our health, our home, the coffee, and each other. 😊 (All kidding aside, health is good.)

I am sort of scratching my head as I think about what to share from this past week. Like last time, the days have been on the sober side but as Charles Dickens said, "There is always something for which to be thankful." That's the way I choose to look at life.

The family continues to process the passing a couple of weeks ago of my brother -in-law. This week a longtime family friend passed away, and then my mother exhibited "end of life behavior," as the nursing home phrased it. But hours later she was sitting up in bed, eating a sandwich for lunch. We understand this can happen over and again, so in the meantime, we just kinda "sit lightly," ready and not ready for whatever. 


A quote I read this week from Priscilla Shirer made me underline and scribble a large star in the margin of her book, Discerning the Voice of God, How to Recognize When God is Speaking. "God's goal in your life is to move you from a mental knowledge of Him to an experiential one." (page 163) Serious things lead me to wonder just what it is He wants me to know about Himself.

Of course, politics are an unsettling subject. I won't go into that.....

I continue to be drawn to books having to do with psychology from a Christian perspective. Our world is unsettled, angry, dangerous. We see behavior illustrating that on the news all the time as well as up close. This past week I completed a self-guided study of this book:


Written on a very practical level, the chapters were titled:

How to Be Wise in Relationships
Who's Pushing Your Buttons?
How to Resolve Conflict
Breaking Free From Abuse
Escaping the People-Pleaser Trap
Keeping the Crazy-Makers From Making You Crazy

Students should study this stuff in school and adults should review it occasionally. I gained a much better understanding of what is going on. My biggest take-aways can be summed up like this:

1) Hurt people hurt people.
2) Our behavior is the result from hurt we've experienced.
3) Hurt people need massive doses of kindness.


On a lighter note, I picked up this book by Chip and Joanna Gaines at the lending library here in our retirement community. I like to read biographies so maybe I can learn from the successes and mistakes of others. It's a quick read with input from both Chip and Joanna, along with some family photographs. They are more daring (risk-takers) than me, but the reading was enjoyable.

patio on the front of our home

The worst (most hot and humid) of our Florida summer is beginning to wane just a little, and how glad we are about that! Gary and I take our 1.3 mile walk after breakfast most mornings and then he sits on the front porch while I ride my bicycle that same route 3 times.  That  logs out to just slightly under 4 miles on the bike and 1+ miles on foot. (I have to do something to balance out my ice cream intake 🍦😋) 

When Gary gets cleared by the doctor to ride his bike again, it would be good if we can return to the 3-5 mile route we used to take together; but at that, it's been over 5 months since we could do that, so we may have to work back up to it. In the meantime, each time I ride past him while he's on the porch, I flip the lever on the ka-ching! bell on my handlebars and Gary waves at me from his chair with his million dollar smile.

The print below, by Norman Rockwell, is a favorite of mine. Look very closely to see the words on the sign between the cathedral doors:

"Lift up thine eyes"

How easy it is for us to look down as we contemplate our problems and world events. The solution is to lift up our eyes to the Lord, to inquire what it is He wants us to know about Himself. When we do, we will be glad we did.

I close with the link to the musical notes of "Lift Thine Eyes" from the Canterbury Cathedral. Many of you, like me, enjoyed singing this in your school choirs. The harmony is exquisite. 

Until next time, grace and peace.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Waffles For Supper

neighbor's Yucca plant 

It's been a more solemn week here, not all bad, just sober. I'll get to the title of this post at the end, so please bear with me. 

This Yucca plant fascinates me as I ride past it on my bicycle. I didn't know Yucca would grow so well in this humid Florida climate. I'm used to seeing it out west, where I came from. Obviously my plant knowledge is not that good but this illustrates to me that beauty can show up in unexpected places.

source - downtown Orlando

We made another trip to Orlando this past week, but it was for a post-op appointment, not an emergency. The visit with Gary's surgeon's Physician's Assistant went very well, and we got some questions answered, clarifications of what was done in his surgery earlier this month. He continues to do well. Thank you for all who have been praying.

After the appointment, we had lunch at a nearby IHOP before returning home via the turnpike. The trip is 90 miles each way and is getting easier because we are now familiar with the roads, but it's a lot of driving (defensive driving, to be honest) and we arrive home tired.

photo intentionally blurry for reasons of privacy

The week began with a happy occasion as Gary's newest great grandchild was baptized. We were able to watch that via live-stream on FaceBook, which was so cool. They live in the far north from here, so technology served us well, allowing us to feel a part of the event in spite of the distance. Little girl was peaceful the entire time, so cute with her red hair and very pretty white dress. 

Also on that day we watched the usual church service on TV that we enjoy, as we have been doing for quite some time now. We are both seniors (dare I refer to us as "elderly"??) and since one of us has had a couple of surgeries and some ER visits in the past 5 months, we take precautions to avoid a lot of time spent in enclosed areas with germs people. 

hot chocolate with giant marshmallows

Some people in church, as they settle in for the sermon, pass out hard candy (to soften the blow of conviction???). Smile. My mother never did that, but then, she was always in the front row of the choir keeping a close eye on Sister and me as we sat near the front in the pews.

Instead of the candy, and since we are at home in our living room, Gary has a nice habit of preparing mugs of hot chocolate and then floating 3 of the largest marshmallows you can buy on top of the liquid, also providing a spoon. It's a great tradition he's instigated and I love it. This makes "church" even more special.

Beloved (red shirt) and his brother

A sad thing happened since my last blog post. My late husband's brother passed. He was in poor health and then things took a sudden turn. Are we ever really "ready" when this happens, even when we are sort of expecting it? I doubt it. Death is final. Done. 

But at the same time, I wish I could have seen the reunion of these two brothers when they met up in Heaven. We will see them again and it will be good. No tears. No sadness. No regrets. Limitless joy in the Presence of our Lord.

By the way, those who have followed my posts for years know that my blog pseudonym for my late husband was "Beloved." I tried to give Gary a special blog name when he came into my life, but he asked to be just "Gary." However, here in our house I more often refer to him as "Handsome," and he allows that.

useful purchase

I have been looking for an inexpensive little table for my coffee cup when we are sitting out on the lanai. There is a lamp table to the left of my chair, but since I'm right-handed, I really needed something on my right. I had two little tables like this in my last house, but not realizing I would regret it later, I gave away both of them. This cute little table (or call it a plant stand) was waiting for me at Marshall's for only $16.99!!! I've seen them in other stores for $70. It even has a heavy marble top. Sold!!!

I mentioned recently that I've added a Book Reports page at the top of my blog. This week I wrote up more reports and I intend to continue that as time allows. While I no longer sew as a hobby, I am reading more. How convenient it is to just pick up a book and read with no other equipment required. 

Reading is a good way to go on adventures to exciting places, learn skills, and life lessons without necessarily having to live out the experiences myself. We don't have enough time to learn everything on our own, so reading helps. 

But at the same time, it is definitely true that lessons learned through the School of Hard Knocks tend to be the most memorable and effective. 

dinner last night

As for the title of today's post, "Waffles For Supper," that's exactly what we had last night.  We no longer prepare our waffles from scratch. But popping these frozen frisbees into the toaster still makes them "homemade" as far as I'm concerned. 

I slather mine with margarine and just one of the two discs gets a healthy application of peanut butter, which provides protein to the meal. Mrs. Butterworth syrup, warmed in the microwave, tops everything and leaves me smacking my lips when it's all gone.

It's been a serious week, not all bad, but still rather heavy in some respects. Comfort food. We can all relate to its benefits.

O taste and see that the LORD is good.
Psalm 34:8

Until next time, grace and peace to you.

Friday, August 9, 2024

After the Hurricane (Debby 2024)



Truth be told, we probably live in the very best place in Florida when a hurricane is in the forecast. I say that because we are some 60 miles (as the crow flies) from either coast on this huge peninsula. Storm surge from ocean water is impossible and in our particular neighborhood, local river/stream/lake flooding is unlikely. Tornadoes are a concern with hurricane winds, so we do keep that in mind. Our lights flickered a couple of times so very briefly that, if we blinked, we missed it. 

I say all this to let my readers know we got through Hurricane Debby with no problems. Sister blogger, Linda, lives some miles from us. Her area lost power and had wind damage, so that's why my first sentence states we "probably live in the very best place ..." Nowhere is perfect in avoiding all meteorological calamities. 

Then there was this:


Apparently as the storm raged and the water level rose in a nearby swamp, this gator ended up in the yard of one of my nieces. He was about 3 feet long, a baby, they said. He hissed at them. They left him alone and he made his way out of their property, hopefully back to the swamp. As they say here in Florida, any body of water the size of a bathtub or larger could very well have a gator.


The extent of excitement at our house was limited to somewhere between 6 and 8 inches of rain (depending on which TV station we believe). I conclude this weather report with simple gratitude. 

It is of the LORD's mercies 
that we are not consumed.
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning:
Great is Thy faithfulness.
Lamenations 3:22-23 (KJV)

What else has been going on here this week? The stores are chock-full of school supplies as classes begin this next week (already???). That does not affect us retirees much since those of our grandchildren who are school age live hours away, but it does serve to remind us to plan our trips in town to avoid driving through school zones, as much as possible. 

Walmart purchase

But also with the school supplies, the autumn wardrobe options are stocking the aisles. I came across this sweatshirt today and bought it for a family member who lives in a cooler climate. (As much as I like it, most years I could not wear something this warm this until Christmas.)


Our daily high temperatures much of this summer have been oppressively HOT and HUMID, but this is Florida. We were invited to a free outdoor concert in our +55 community. Since it was late in the day (and we were able to find a shady place for our patio chairs after this selfie was snapped), the event was very enjoyable.

our jazz band

The guys played jazz, oldies, and were loud enough that I could have easily left my hearing aids at home. The drummer, who invited us, is a personal friend from church.

We each took a bottle of water since alcohol is not in our house. Yes, we've had some in the past, but after realizing my daily glass of red wine for a full year was NOT lowering my cholesterol scores, I went back to hot tea, which treats me well and is less expensive. As for beer, Gary has lost his taste for it. I cooked with the cans that were past-due in his refrigerator, creating a couple of richly-flavored stews. But after those cans were gone, I've gone back to cooking with broths and am just as happy with that.

3pm hot tea

While we're in the kitchen, I want to share a link to Mari's Baked Parmesan Tomatoes: 

my attempt at Mari's 
Baked Parmesan Tomatoes

I was reading her blog late one afternoon when she posted this dish. With lunch being our largest meal of the day, I look for quick things to have for supper. Mari's tomatoes were perfect, paired with half of a ham sandwich. A lot of good recipes come from My Little Corner of the World.

GIANT marshmallows

Another gastronomical delight we've enjoyed lately are these GIANT marshmallows. Intended for S'mores, which would be wonderful, Gary floats 3 of them in a mug of hot chocolate, tucking in a spoon. I push the white pillows deep into the hot chocolate a few times and then between sips, I scoop each slippery marshmallow into my mouth. Heaven-in-a-mug! Give it a try!


Before I conclude today's post, I want to direct your attention to a new feature that's been added to my blog called Book Reports.

I've created a page (a link) with a list of books I've read with my comments on each one, sort of a book report. You can access this page from my home page by moving your cursor to "Book Reports" or by using this link: https://myjournalmemories.blogspot.com/p/books.html

the page from Book Reports

Material will not be added daily, but I wanted to share a list of books that may interest my readers. Books, like people, can strongly influence who we are, what we value, and the decisions we make. Note: the "Comments" feature is not turned on for the Book Reports page.

surgical waiting room

The above is a snapshot I forgot to include with last week's post. Our hospital is run by Christians who place scripture on the walls, which encouraged me so much.

For those of you who have asked about Gary's health and prayed for him, I'm thankful to share that he is doing very well. He's walking with me and has done some very light yard work. We expect the problems are a thing of the past and look forward to some plans we've made for when the weather turns cooler (which is what most retired Floridians do!). 

Until next time, grace and peace.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Wind and Waves This Week

He said, "I'm goin' to milk this for all it's worth." 

Yes, he will, but we will have fun with it, which is a good idea (if at all possible) when facing tough times. With that opening, you must wonder what I'm talking about (although you surely can guess WHO I'm quoting). I'll tell you about our troubles our week but for reasons of privacy, all details will not be divulged. 

Gary makin' bacon

As some of you may already know, this past March Gary had surgery (major surgery) and in the 2-3 months that followed, he did exceptionally well. Really. 

But then problems developed that sent us to both local and out-of-town Emergency Rooms and a lot of consternation in-between. His return to mowing the lawn, as well as bike-riding was delayed,  and he really behaved himself well in an effort to not exacerbate (or to be blamed for) the problem.

surgery waiting room

We waited a long time for an appointment to see the appropriate professional for the problem, and then were told that, "Yes, surgery should be scheduled sometime in the next couple of weeks." 

But then the patient had another indication that this matter should not be put off any longer. He made a call, and within less than 48 hours, he was on the operating table and I was sitting in the waiting room, watching the status board on the wall for updates on the procedure. 

Allow me to take a real honest moment here to say that although I had every reason to expect this surgery would go well (and cancer has NOT been the issue), given life events in recent years, I did fall to thoughts that produced some lip-quivering and teary eyes with fear that history might, in a sense, repeat itself, and all too soon. In that waiting room there was a rush to pull out my hankie so I could bury my face and just quietly lose it emotionally. 

But then, just as quickly as the enemy of my soul promoted those thoughts, I remembered how incredibly generous the Lord has been to me while going through those trials. I dried my face, blew my nose, and fixed myself a cup of tea, courtesy of the waiting room amenities.

A verse I often quote to myself from Hebrews 11:6 says (my paraphrase here) that without faith, which is expecting God to take care of [whatever], we cannot please Him. 

The Lord has been so very good to me, so yes, I want to please Him! 

from a Joyce Meyer publication

About two hours passed from the good-bye kiss when they rolled Gary into surgery and when the doctor found me to say all went very well, filling in the graphic (but necessary) details. Another nearly two hours passed before the recovery room nurse called on my cell phone with the news that Gary was en route to his room. 

5th floor room with a view of the freeway

This was Gary's 4th hospitalization this year. Those who are closest to me know how important it's been to me to have safe overnight lodging when we are in this city some 90 miles from home. What we're figuring out is that when surgery is involved, requiring an overnight stay, the patient is given a single-occupancy room with [the most uncomfortable couch and recliner] for a spouse to use. Since it's not a forever situation, I welcome that furniture if it means I can stay with Gary and not miss out on anything important for me to know.

hospital Bistro breakfast

(smile) Something else I don't want to miss is breakfast in a plastic box from the hospital cafeteria (the Bistro, as they call it). I have brought this back to Gary's room for myself a number of times and really enjoyed it: a small bagel with cream cheese, a hard-boiled egg, a slice of cheese, and fresh grapes. 

Coffee. I get their coffee, heavy on the liquid Hazelnut creamer, because my stress deserves that extra treat. (yes, I "milk" the situation, too!)

The day after surgery we were free to drive home. Gary does most of the driving when we are in the car together, but for this trip, both en route and the return home, it was up to me to navigate the turn pike plus 3 other freeways and the side streets. I can hold my own, and thankfully, I've never had a mishap at all, but this is not my favorite activity. Silent prayer is my mental occupation when my foot is on the gas pedal; those prayers were met with good experiences over every mile.

We are home now and all is well. The patient is sore, which is to be expected, but since leaving the hospital he's not needed nor wanted any meds. This guy has a strong constitution. 

To get back to the beginning of this post, he thinks he should get special attention right now. Doesn't he realize I give him special attention all day, every day?! It's the way I am! 

our rings the day we committed to each other
May 14, 2022

Speaking of treating him special, the other day as we waited for his surgery, he was required to remove his wedding band. I told him I was tempted to take a pen and write on his finger, where the ring should be, "married." I didn't want the nurses to get any ❤️ ideas!!

a frequent occurrence in our home

A recent devotional email from Christian author and speaker, Susie Larson, urged us to leave "the winds and the waves" to the Lord. She was referring to the story of the disciples in a boat on a very stormy lake. While they were terribly afraid with the weather, Jesus was fast asleep in the same boat. They were astounded that the storm had not disturbed his sleep. After they roused Him, He spoke to the wind and the waves. Calm followed. 

That stormy story was timely for me, as it is for all of us, because we live in a fallen world where trouble pops up often. This week I wanted to please my Lord with a trust in Him to take care of the adversities facing me, expecting Him to deal appropriately with the wind and waves. He has done that for me, and He will do it for you, too, when you put your trust in Him.

As I close, a tropical storm is now leaving Cuba, making its way into the Gulf of Mexico and up the western side of Florida. "Hurricane Debbie," as it is expected to be named, is causing the lines at the gas stations and grocery stores. Practical preparations are being made for "wind and waves." Those who are privvy to American TV will get a chuckle out of this:

Jim Cantore of The Weather Channel

Until next time, grace and peace.

Bike Ride With a History Lesson

  As promised in my last post, I want to show you the bike trail we took recently along the Withlacoochee River, the Withlacoochee Bay Trail...