Saturday, March 16, 2024

Birthday Blessings 2024

It's a big month for birthday celebrations, with one notable newcomer to the party! Gary is now Great-Grandpa to THREE cuties! The Minnesota Twins (boys) were born in October 2022 and now they have a sweet lil' girl cousin to play with! She made her entrance earlier this week.

Sister's Basset Hounds had doggie birthday cake on March 8th... yeah, how amazing it was that they sat still long enough for this picture to be taken!!

Would you believe I have 4 family members (some related by marriage) who all celebrate their birthday on the same day as me?!!! 

Last year's birthday cake from Gary.

When it's a birthday, my personal motto is, "Don't spare the frosting!" I'm pretty sure my cake from last year was yellow underneath all that gorgeous chocolate frosting. The bakery at Publix grocery store never disappoints!

For my Blog Birthday Party, I've been collecting some cartoons to include on this fun day:

from Linda (I think)

from Sue

To be honest, I could never manage a cartwheel, even somersaults made me feel sick.

But there is this one, which has a real element of truth to it:

While I won't divulge my exact age, I'll confirm what you surely suspect: I'm 70-something. Gary says I'm 32, which is one of the many reasons why I love this man! ❤️🥰

Gary began my party celebrations the day before (which was yesterday) with a trip to Weeki Wachee in Spring Hill, Florida to see the real live mermaid show! 

Here are some highlights:

the entrance fee is only $13 per person!

The park has the mermaid show, a teaching session on Florida wildlife, a river boat ride, lots of photo opportunities, and a water park, although on this day the water park had not yet opened for the summer season (which was a plus for those of us not wanting to mix in large crowds). We felt the admission fee was a real bargain for what we got. The mermaid show, especially, was excellent.

not exactly "The Little Mermaid"!!

(I texted this one to Jersey Girl who replied with, "Now I know why you married him 😄)

flat-bottomed boat trip 

Eagles' nest high above the river

On the boat trip we saw fish, birds, turtles and somebody saw a water snake. No gators here. The boat captain said gators are reclusive, choosing to hide in murky water. This spring water is very, very clear so this is not where people are likely to see a gator.

From the mermaid show, which is performed in the deepest spring water in all of Florida (over 400 feet deep!!):

the Mistress of Ceremonies

We sat in a below-ground theater that seated about 400 people, and every seat was taken! Viewing the mermaids through a very large glass window, I don't think anyone had a bad seat for the show.

A total of 5 mermaids entertained us, with swim acrobatics, singing, eating, and drinking all while deep under water, occasionally taking a breath from long hoses that did not distract from the performance at all. It was amazing. The program lasted 30 minutes and included tributes to several famous people who have been a part of the show over the past 47 years: Elvis, Jimmy Buffet, and more than I can remember.

As we were leaving, we saw Mr Peacock strutting around:

And he was successful in catching the eyes of the ladies:

But at the same time, about 4 of them got into a squabble over a pancake somebody had dropped on the ground, outside of the restaurant (no picture of that). 

"Been there,
done that,
got the T-shirt."

The gift shop was large, had a lot of merchandise and some snacks. A shirt was all I wanted and Gary got that for me.

We stopped on the way home at Culver's for lunch to get some of our favorite menu items: a hamburger combo with fries and sweet tea.
paper wrapping on my hamburger

All of the above happened on the day before my birthday, so the fun continued into Saturday. Our usual coffee in bed before breakfast came with a very special birthday card, a big box of my favorite candy, and a generous card for shopping.

a great beginning to my birthday 

At the breakfast table there was a stack of birthday cards to open, some with more opportunities to shop and eat out. 😊👍🏻😋

birthday cards on the dining table

The weather for our bike ride was perfect, which was good exercise because in addition to the box of candy, we enjoyed a pink and white ice cream cake with Jersey Girl and Jersey Boy.

my birthday wish is also a prayer

It's been a wonderful day with many newsy messages of friendship, love, and affection. So many of you reached me via emails, FaceBook, and text messages. Wow. I am so blessed and grateful. THANK YOU! 

The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places....

Psalm 16:6a

Until next time, grace and peace.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you and congratulations on the new grandbaby. She's very cute.
It looks like you had a most wonderful day of celebration!

Terri D said...

I'm so glad you have had such a fun birthday weekend (with another day to go!!). I have never gone to Weeki Wachee but will get there one of these days. I read this book years ago and really enjoyed it: Swim to Me by Betsy Carter. All about becoming a mermaid at Weeki Wachee. Happy birthday again!! Love you, dear friend!

Mandy said...

Happy Birthday! 🥳 Looks like an amazing celebration seeing the mermaids! That is such a cool place! So glad you enjoyed your special day. Congratulations on the sweet new baby girl! She is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Barbara and congratulations on the new baby. I guess you had a wonderful day. I remember when I reached the age of 39 I decided to stay forever. Well, my original age is now 1 alphabet plus 9.
Look forward to your new post and send warm wishes,

Linda said...

What an amazing day you had! I haven't been to Weeki in such a long time--like 40 yrs, lol. Congratulations on the new baby!!! Have a beautiful week my friend.

Robin in Virginia said...

Oh Barbara, your birthday celebration sounded fabulous. I just finished reading a book where one of the minor characters was a mermaid at Weeki Wachee. I didn't know that it was a real place. Very cool! The older people cartoon resonates with me. Congratulations to you and Gary on the new great-grandchild. Thinking of you.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Happy Birthday, Barbara!!! What a fun time you had together with Gary. The new baby is adorable, and the perfect birthday gift for everyone who loves her.
Blessings, Barbara!

PNW Vickie said...

Belated Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great week of celebrating. Growing up in TN, we vacationed in Florida and I have fond memories of visiting Weeki Wachee when I was a young girl (now 71!). Didn't know if it was still going but glad to hear it is . . .

Creations By Cindy said...

Glad your birthday was wonderful to you and congratulations on the new bundle of joy. Oh I love the meme's! We've been to Weeki Wachee several times and they do a good show. I hope your week is wonderful! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Sandy said...

The memes all made me chuckle which is good. Can you believe I have never stopped to see those mermaids? I can remember as a kid I always wanted to go. I should put that on my bucket list since I so wanted do that as a kid. Those basset hounds are simply too cute for words. March is a month of many family birthdays on my mom’s side. Glad it was a good one for you.

ellen b. said...

Happiest of birthdays to you. Looks like you've had some wonderful celebrations. Those mermaid photos are fun. Keep celebrating!!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Happy birthday sweet lady! What a fabulous day you had...the mermaids are so special! And I think I am still older than you! haha! Enjoy your week and this gorgeous weather. Hugs, Diane

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am sorry to be so late to the party! It's been one of those weeks! But I wished you a happy birthday on Facebook, I think! I love this post and all the fun and celebration around your special day! Oh! Weekie Wachie! I haven't been there since I was a child! I think I would love to go there again. I love the old true Florida tourist attractions! Looks like you had a wonderful birthday from start to finish! Love all the photos! Happy Happy Birthday, Dear Barbara. I am happy to see just how wonderfully God has blessed you!! This was delightful. And those Bassett Hounds are amazing! However, that sweet new baby is truly a beauty! I hope you all get to go meet her in person some day! Have a wonderful rest of your birthday week!

Carol said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Barbara! It looks like a wonderful celebration for you. I got such a kick out of your mermaid and Gary's King Neptune pictures--what fun! I enjoyed your photos from Wicki Wachee as they brought back nice memories of visiting there with my parents when I was a teenager in the early '70s. I'm sure it is much fancier now. Wishing you every happiness in your "new year!" ♥

Mid-October in Florida

  Pumpkins at Publix As I've pointed out many times over the past seven years, Florida is not the mecca for autumn, but attempts are mad...