Monday, March 17, 2025

Birthday Week 2025

As always, I have lots of things to share, but first I must say THANK YOU to the many of you who wished me a Happy Birthday. The 3/4 of a Century Celebration was yesterday. 

Quoting from the handwritten note in the card from my BFF in Highlands Ranch, "... I cannot believe we are so old..." ðŸ¤­ 

(a gift that disappeared quickly)

The birthday fanfare came not only with snail mail cards, and gifts but also via FaceBook, text messages, FaceTime, lunch followed by a field trip to a local history landmark, and another lunch beside a river that empties into the Gulf of Mexico (or is it the Gulf of America??). 

For that water-front lunch there was plenty of seafood on the menu, but I went with their version of a patty melt accompanied with coleslaw. Gary chose the turkey and bacon club sandwich with fries.

The weather was GORGEOUS although the wind became quite gusty. Sitting under a grass umbrella (aka a "palapa'), our table was secure. Those who were seated after us under the less secure canvas umbrellas had to move.

While waiting for our food, Gary stayed at our table while I did a little exploring with my camera. Crackers Bar and Grill is located just off of Hwy 19 in the town of Crystal River, which sits alongside the Crystal River (that empties into the Gulf).

Uhhh ..... Oh look! The waitress is bringing our food!

Forgive me; I often forget to take a snapshot of my food until after I've taken my first bite. ðŸ™„ The patty melt was wonderful; the coleslaw was so-so (but I ate it all anyway). The lunch was filling enough so dessert was not ordered.

My birthday is shared with a number of family members on the very same day: one aunt, a male and a female by marriage, and a cousin I've not seen in over 50 years. My birthday month is shared with more family, including my sister's two Basset Hounds (whose made-for-dogs cupcakes look as good as that Fresh Pet dogfood advertised on TV!!).

Moving on to other news of this past week, we loaded our bicycles onto the trailer hitch of our car for another adventure, this time along the Withlacoochee State Trail (which is not the same as the ride we took in an earlier post).

A total of 47 miles, this trail is one of the longest paved bike trails in the state of Florida. While those younger and more hardy than us might accomplish this ride all in one day, that's not us. (We like to say the reason we got to this age is because we respect our limitations.)

Just like the last trail ride, this one is a wide asphalt path and well-maintained. It also has a lot of shade, which is surely a bonus if riding in the warmer months. On this particular day, we rode 7 miles out, turned around, pedaled through an extra little park area, and then the 7 miles back to the car, for a total of a little over 14 miles. 

We both carried our water bottles and at the end had PBJ sandwiches and chips at a picnic table.

And yes, true to what I said earlier, I usually take a bite (or several) of my food before taking a picture of it. By the way, don't judge me by my hairstyle -- bicycle helmets do nothing positive for the coiffure!

My readers may remember a couple of weeks ago I mentioned the premature birth of my nephew's third child, a sweet little boy. Born at 25 weeks, he's a little critter but oh-so-sweet and so perfectly formed.

We got to see him for the first time in person this past week because he was moved to a hospital for a special procedure. This hospital is much closer to us, so we asked if we could visit. You can see how small he is in the incubator. Those are his mother's arms extended out to touch him. He was born at 1 pound 14 ounces and is now about 3 pounds. (This is the only picture I will share due to privacy reasons.)

Several commented you would be praying for him, for which we are very grateful. So far, he's growing and gradually working through the necessary milestones, but as one of his doctors said, "There are 3 things he needs right now: breast milk, skin to skin [contact] and prayer."

On our drive back to our town after the hospital visit, we stopped at a quaint roadside ice cream shop. Gary had the Black Cherry and I got Banana Cream.

On another day it was discovered that our toaster just didn't know when to quit, so we tossed it into the trash and bought a new 4-slice model. Would you be surprised when I say we had toast for supper that night? 

On another day I tried out a wonderful recipe you may have seen in your email box if you connect at all with Taste of Home Magazine. 

1930s Bacon Roll-ups. The recipes says it makes 10 but I managed to make 16 and shared 4 of them with our next-door neighbors. They were a real hit. Here is the link to the recipe:

Another foodie submission from this past week is the cherry pie I brought home from the grocery store. As I said on Facebook, while I'm not big on math (or arithmetic, as we called it during my school days), I am smart enough to observe Pi Day on March 14th, not to be confused with National Pie Day (observed on January 23rd). One does not have to be a math nerd to enjoy a baked pie on Pi Day.

Today is St. Patrick's Day, which I don't go out of my way to celebrate, choosing instead to continue the reflective thoughts that come with my birthday the day before. I have wondered what pithy observations I should share, based on the length of my life thus far. 

A thought that readily comes to mind is that we don't attain this age by being stupid (dull, half-baked, idiotic, etc.); however I have survived my share of ill-advised behavior, so I know that's not true. 

My blogger friend, Billie Jo (at Afternoon Coffee and Evening Tea) recently shared something her mother wrote that spoke to me on such a deep level that I'm pondering those thoughts every day. I won't quote her but here is my summary:

We all mess up. When the mistakes are realized, be honest enough with yourself to label them as learning experiences. The stain of the messes probably won't leave you but if you learn from them, don't be hard on  yourself. Thank God that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to forgive you and put it away in the past. Move forward in your life doing good.

I add this post script: while God forgives the truly repentant, many times people don't. After doing our best to remedy that, we have to just let it go; make the best of the life we have from here on out.

This is a somber way to conclude a birthday post, but it inspires me. If what I've said applies to you, I hope you are encouraged.

I sought the LORD,
and He answered me and
delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to Him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him.
Psalm 34:4-5, 8

Until next time, grace and peace.


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Happy Birthday (yesterday). It looks like you celebrated your special milestone wonderfully! It's amazing to me that you are able to ride that bicycle at all, let alone as far as you were able to go! I don't think I could accomplish that no matter how hard I tried! Maybe I should try...but I'm so out of shape now that it would be very hard on my "old" body! I loved everything about your post...even your helmet hair...looks cute on you! Glad to see you got my card on time, "you sweet thang"...I thought that was a truly southern thing to say to a now truly southern lady, (thinking of your "Sweet Tea and Sandals" days!) Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!!!

Mari said...

Happy Birthday my friend! I'm glad you were celebrated so well!
I think 14 miles is pretty impressive!
I'm glad to hear the new baby is doing well and appreciate what that Dr recommended. I'll keep praying.
Your bacon roll-ups look like something my husband would like, so I've saved that recipe.
I was so touched by what Billie Jo's mom wrote too, and I read it out loud to Bob. I like your addition.
Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Your tiny great nephew is so precious. I enjoyed reading what you said the doctor told people this little boy needs. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time celebrating your birthday. Loraine

Terri D said...

I am so glad you are having so much fun celebrating your 'special' birthday!! Great photos!! I agree with what Billie Jo posted from her mom. I also made note of it. Prayers continue for your sweet new family member and please keep us posted. Sending love and a hug!!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Another March birthday buddy, Barbara! I know yours was such a special and happy one based upon your blog here, with adventures and great food. And oh, what a precious photo of a precious child loved by God and by all of your family. May the Lord protect and keep him growing in health and happiness. Now that I know your birth date, I'll make a note to send you a special card next year, dear one. Love to you and Gary!

ellen b. said...

oops I clicked on something and I think my comment went away too soon. Oye. I'll check back and see if it made it through. If not I'll retype it.

ellen b. said...

Well it looks like it is gone. I'm saying a prayer for that wee babe that God will strengthen him and cause him to thrive! I'm happy to read that your milestone birthday was celebrated well and I hope you keep celebrating for many more days. Good for the two of you getting in a 14 mile ride. Beautiful Psalm to end with !

Gabi said...

Hello, a belated happy birthday to you. All the best for the next 365 days, happiness, health and luck. This I wish also your little nephew. This milestone birthday I will celebrate in 2 weeks and I hope the weather will be sunny and warm.
Warm wishes from Germany,

Linda said...

Happy Birthday!!!! What fun you had, smiles. I have not been to Crackers, will have to give it a try, smiles. Wishing you a lovely day.

Robin in Virginia said...

Happy birthday to you, Barb! I hope the day itself was grand and the coming year is filled with many blessings and much happiness. I enjoyed your pictures (and words) and you will receive no judgement from me about your hair from the bike helmet. Enjoy the rest of your birthday month! Continued prayers for the precious little one. It sounds like he is moving in the right direction with weight gain.

Birthday Week 2025

As always, I have lots of things to share, but first I must say THANK YOU to the many of you who wished me a Happy Birthday. The 3/4 of a Ce...