Saturday, December 7, 2024

A Delightful Throwback

Pam's church

Last Sunday we enjoyed what felt like a wonderful trip back in time. Pam, author of the blog Closed Doors Open Windows, had invited us to meet them at their church and follow that up with lunch. The drive from here to there is a little over an hour and on a Sunday morning the traffic was not bad at all, in spite of it being the end of the busy Thanksgiving weekend.

Over the years I have driven past their church many times as it is set off within easy view about half a block from the highway. My impression of their church was always favorable as the white siding and steeple looked like something out of an old Disney movie. But the church, the Lord's Church, is not a building but rather the people. Scripture refers to the Church as the bride of Christ, which is definitely something other than siding and steeples. 

When living in Jacksonville, we made many trips to Ocala to check the progress on the house we were having built. Pam and I became blog friends sometime before that construction began. Eventually we made stops to see her and John at their home. 

We arrived long enough before the service began that we were able to sit on the back pew and watch the people coming in, greeting each other, and finding their seats. True to what Pam had told us beforehand, the parishioners were very warm in their welcome to us. Some had known we were coming as Pam had shared that in the Sunday School class before the service. That made us to feel all the more accepted.

The music was a delight. Hymnals were in the back-of-the-pew racks, but the words were also on screens on the front wall. With one exception, I knew all the songs and enjoyed every one of them. There was no 'praise team' (as is so common in most protestant church services these days), but there was a choir (!!!) and their special music was composed and written, by two of the members. The pastor's wife led the music from the pulpit. 

There was just one instrument accompanying the worship time. No drums, no guitars, no super-loud anything. The one instrument was an electric piano/organ that can produce a lot of different sounds. 

During the announcement time, any first-time guests were introduced (which included us, of course). Wow. That is a tradition I haven't seen in church in a very, very long time. Of course, the huge mega churches can't do that for practical reasons. We didn't mind at all and just smiled and waved.

The service included the music, announcements, greeting the guests, responsive readings, prayer, lighting of the first candle for Advent, the sermon, and concluded with communion. As I told Pam and John at lunch afterwards, since I've gone to church all of my life I've seen communion carried out many different ways, some in a rather clumsy procedure. This time was easy, orderly, and respectful. 

Please don't take offense at how I've described this worship service that ministered to me so well. Times, customs, people, and even our culture, have changed greatly over the years. I just enjoyed so much getting to worship in an environment that reminded me of my beginnings, so to speak.

One more thing (and I didn't take a picture), the church building was built in 1890-something. The antique pews (which were blessedly padded) were built in that same time frame. Those pews along with the stained glass windows -- there was a lot of old-fashioned charm going on in there!

Pam and John

After the service we followed John and Pam to the Hog Wild Country Cafe where the down-home atmosphere was equally as pleasant as what we experienced at church. I ordered the pulled pork on a bun while Gary had the brisket. John got a hamburger, and Pam got the Cowboy Egg Rolls (on the appetizer menu). That looked really good to me; maybe next time!

Gary 'n me

Last weekend was winter here in Florida, so sweaters and jackets were a necessity, even inside the cafe. (S'cuse my shortie haircut -- it looked better in person than in the snapshots!!)

John and Gary

Before retirement, in addition to serving as a pastor in several churches, John was employed with law enforcement. That profession is in common with Gary's career, as well as their political views, so these guys never lack for conversation.

me 'n Pam

And of course, Pam and I always have things to talk about. As you can see, we both take pictures for our respective blogs!! Here is the link to her post about our visit: December 1st

antiques in the ladies' room

It's just wild getting to meet in person my fellow (sister) bloggers. To date, I've met at least 4 over the years (possibly more). When I came back to our lunch table after washing my hands, I told Pam about the antiques in the ladies' room and that I had taken a picture of them. She said she has done the same thing for  her blog in the past. (Great minds think alike!) Gary told me there were antiques in the men's room, too!

artificial wreaths

I want to tell you what we did this year to decorate the graves of our late spouses. As many of my readers already know, what turned out to be our first date in 2021 was a trip to the cemetery to place Christmas wreaths. Gary was taking me to the cemetery, which is about an hour's drive from Ocala. In some of our first conversations when we met, I said I had not been to the cemetery much because I did not want to go by myself and all my children live some distance away. As it turned out, Gary's late wife is buried relatively close to the grave of my late husband.

So this was not thought of at the outset especially as a "date," but by the end of the occasion, after much conversation, a wonderful lunch, and driving through some particularly beautiful roads to get back home, it felt like more than just a kindly gesture on his part.

One of the heart-warming things Gary did before picking me up that day was to buy two live Christmas wreaths for us to place at the graves. I, still rather new to how to visit a grave, had not given decorations a thought. 

We have kept up this tradition every year since then. But finding fresh-looking wreaths has been a problem. Last year we had a hard time even finding evergreen wreaths! We were shocked. What we found were already drying up with needles falling off.

This year Gary suggested we buy artificial wreaths and we will be sure to return to the cemetery after the holidays to retrieve them with hopes to use them again next year. We took metal landscaping pins with us to secure the wreaths to the ground in the hope that they won't blow away. While there, we saw someone else had used a metal stand to hold their wreath in place. That's a good idea, too.

music on TV

Now that the Christmas season is here, we drink our first cup of morning coffee to the sounds of continuous-play holiday music. Our TV  station shows many seasonal photos and artwork with the music. 

Ida and Bill's yard

And the angel said unto them,
Fear not: for, behold,
I bring you good tidings of great joy,
which shall be to all people.

For unto you is born this day
in the city of David a Saviour,
which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11

Until next time, grace, peace, and JOY!


Mari said...

I was so happy to see Pam's post and see you were able to spend time together.
I love the charm of that church too; there's something about the steeple, the white church and as you said the hymns that is special!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

I knew all about your visit as we both know Pam posted about it. What a great time you all shared together! And her church also reminds me of ours, although we are too small of a congregation to have an official choir. People are always friendly and welcoming to all who comes through the doors. Have a wonderful day, Barbara!

Robin in Virginia said...

What a beautiful church your friend, Pam, attends and that you and Gary visited! It sounds like you had a wonderful service with lunch out afterward with Pam and her husband. I think the artificial wreaths are a great idea.

Jan said...

How wonderful to have a chance to worship together! Although the church we attend is still fairly traditional in it's services, (compared to most places) it's much more progressive than the church I was raised in. I love where we worship now, but on occasion, I miss the smaller, simpler churches of the past.

Sandy said...

I am so glad y'all were able to attend Interlachen Methodist. I have no doubt it was a wonderful experience. I grew up in a church like that ---well mine is even smaller with a rich history for my mom's side of the family. I have great memories and I know that God met me on those pews listening to the hymns. I have the picture of mine in my sidebar. It left UMC for Globalist as well. I was able to go 2 years ago to Homecoming and have it on my calendar for next year. I know you and Pam had fun.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What fun you had and I love your short haircut! I desperately need mine cut! Love the pretty church building and photos of you and Pam...and hubbys! I use Photoscape for my photos. It's free and I always downsize my photos (and sometimes crop them). Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

It seems so funny to look at this post and see the picture of our church at the top. I thought at first I was reading one of my own blog posts! LOL. I love our little church, and now you understand why! I'm so glad you and Gary came and blessed us by your attendance. I hope Gary enjoyed it as well as you! I think you felt all the good things that I have felt there since day one. The beautiful thing is the Spirit of the Lord is there, and His love pours out through the smiles and voices and hugs of the people...and the songs. We are very blessed to be a part of this little church. Yes, it is like a "throwback" to a simpler and happier time, with no pretenses to try to outdo other churches in town...just pure worship of the Lord, pure and simple. And yes, you loved all the things I did about Hog Wild Country Cafe'! The first time I ever went there I took pictures in the ladies' room. It's actually changed a bit since then, as they have changed hands, but these folks have improved the whole place 100%. I do wish you weren't so far away...we'd love to have you come more often! I love that you and Gary go to the cemetery together to honor your beloved late spouses' memory and place a wreath or flowers on their graves. I think that is very touching and precious. Oh, I actually loved your cute haircut! It is very becoming on you! Thank you again for coming to visit, and also for this wonderful post. You know you are welcome anytime!!

Terri D said...

I am late today, but loved this post, Barb! I'm happy you got together with Pam and John. One of these days, I need to drive up there for a reunion with all of you again! The friendships made here are such a blessing to me!! Hugs!!

Linda said...

Geeze, I am losing it, I saw this yesterday and never hit publish, lol. I am glad you visited Pam and John, such lovely folks. Wishing you a beautiful day my friend.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like such a worthwhile trip to enjoy the little country church with everything that matters. You made a fun day of it. Those artificial wreaths are a good idea and securing them is good, too. Our travels had caused me to be way behind in communicating. Hope you have a lovely Sunday.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

That antique in the ladies' room; it's a washing machine with a mangle. I wonder if it still works.

God bless.

Shelby said...

I loved reading about your visit to Pam’s church—it sounds like such a special place filled with warmth and community. Small churches like that always remind me of the simpler, more meaningful things in life. While waiting for my carpet cleaning in jacksonville fl, it was such a treat to come across this post and read about your beautiful experience. Thanks for sharing!

Joyce said...

I love a little white church. They are evocative of another time for me too. We have several here in 'the country' but ours is not one of them. And how fun to meet up with a friend!

Mrs.T said...

What fun! Beautiful church and how nice that everything was so lovely. It sounds quite a bit like our church except that we have no choir. We are blessed to have several excellent pianists, and our strings accompany all of the congregational singing.

Sounds like you, Pam, and your husbands had a wonderful time together!

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