Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hurricane(s) and a Birthday


I cannot add anything new to what has already been said regarding the tragedies of Hurricane Helene; but I do thank the Lord for the good that has been done and continues to progress toward recovery. While the government's response has been questionable, it's refreshing to see how the compassion of individuals and church-related groups has really addressed the problems.

Samaritan's Purse photo

There are reputable organizations we can trust to help where we physically cannot. I'm giving a plug for Samaritan's Purse, which is my favorite "go-to" when I want to help people in disastrous circumstances. Samaritan's Purse shows up all over the world when devastating things happen. 

Regarding Hurricane Milton, we are preparing for him with some sandbags. We've not had flooding in the past, but the threshold of our back door has no significant drop to the patio, so we decided this extra precaution would be a good idea. In another day or two, closer to the storm's arrival, we will bring inside those outdoor things that could become dangerous flying projectiles in the wind. 

metal birds in our back yard

In our prep for Hurricane Helene, we brought in the decorative metal birds from our back yard. Sometime after their arrival inside our house, we realized two Gecko lizards had hitched a ride ðŸ¤­presumably clinging to the underside of the metal birds. 

Gary disposed of one of them quickly but the other one escaped into a dark closet. Unfortunately for the unwelcome creature, I found him a couple of days later. He was successfully relocated to the back yard with the help of a fly swatter and a tissue. I cannot tell you if he was alive or deceased.

Moving to a more cheery line of thinking, we celebrated a birthday  this past week. 

I'll let you figure out who it was...

card sent from Sister and brother-in-law

The celebration began a couple of days early when Jersey Girl brought over wonderful cookies from a new specialty shop here in town: Crumbl.

On the heels of that early celebration, one of Gary's friends from his teen years sent a clever card she had made, using a photo from his early days in the Air Force:

card from Corky and Pete

The day before his birthday, we drove over to the Atlantic to see views along the coastal highway between St. Augustine and Ormond Beach. 
Sea Oats, Yucca, and wild grasses

After we (finally) got past all the beach houses and condos, the views got better. There was Marineland and Fort Matanzas, although we stopped only briefly.

In spite of the beautiful day with deep blue skies, puffy white clouds, and a strong surf crashing on the sandy shore, we had decided we didn't want sand between our toes, so we just walked to the edge of the beach.

Continuing to drive south, we eventually came to Flagler Beach, which was in perfect timing with our hunger pangs. 

We saw at least two restaurants right alongside the highway that had upper level dining. Gary chose The Golden Lion Cafe, so after parking the car, we were seated under a bright yellow umbrella and given menus.

We opted for the Fish 'N' Chips. After placing our order, the waiter quipped, "Oh, so you're going to leave here hungry!" ???

When he brought our plates, I realized he had been joking. It was great, and afterward we waddled back to the car.

We passed a realtor's office that provides a water bowl for dogs. The sign says, "Water for your dog or short people with low standards. We don't judge."

We had both packed a small overnight bag in case we would decide to spend a night on the road, but as it turned out, just heading back to the familiarity of home was more appealing..... and that's where the birthday presents were waiting!

Gary's favorite cake is German Chocolate. Sister and her husband sent the cake mix and frosting. He got some gift cards and a framed clock with a nice photo of us.

Personalization Mall

Above the photo is a pewter plate engraved with "Gary and Barbara," and below the picture it says, "Loving our life together." The picture was taken a couple of years ago when we were dressed up for a grandson's wedding. Gary loved the gift and I was so pleased.

Of course I baked his birthday cake. One of us has some dietary restrictions with regard to coconut and nuts, so I frosted the cake with half milk chocolate frosting and half with the traditional German Chocolate frosting. It was a good birthday and my man looks younger than his years.

The other big thing that happened this past week was my purchase of a new iPhone 16 Pro. I took advantage of the ad Verizon is currently running on TV. 

I've been planning for months to replace my iPhone SE, the phone I inherited from my late husband. I've been okay with that, but once again, this proved to be one of those "triggers" I learned about in GriefShare. 

Tom was a patient in the hospital's Intensive Care Unit for three weeks with COVID prior to his death. Since his face was covered with that uncomfortable BiPap oxygen mask, we could not talk on the phone, and with it being deep into the pandemic, I was not allowed to be at his bedside. So for the last 3 weeks of his life, he held this cell phone to communicate with me and our children. 

my new phone

I was glad to surrender the old phone because it was showing its age. I chose a feminine cover to replace Tom's Denver Bronco cover. But even with this beautiful new phone with all its attributes and the pretty cover, I cried bawled most of the way home in the car from the Verizon store. The release of the old phone was another part of letting go of Tom and the 50 years I had with him. 

Gary waits for me at the Verizon store

Gary drove us home with one hand on the wheel and the other holding onto my shoulder as I sobbed. He's such a good man. He understands. He lost his Edith to COVID just a couple of months after Tom passed.
We are both grateful to have each other. The Lord has used us to minister to each other's wounds of grief, and beyond that, we love each other so much.

I'll post again after Hurricane Milton has passed us by. Until next time, grace and peace.


Linda said...

Happy Birthday Gary!!! I so understand...I have to replace my phone (seriously cracked and held together by duct tape) and have Liam's photos on there. I am told, by a very sweet man at Spectrum, they can transfer everything. Have I done this yet? No...I am just not so sure I am strong enough yet. Just keeping it real (and it wasn't even his phone). I know, I am just being so silly over this.

Keeping you in prayer---OH, About Flagler, we love love Flagler and that is where we eat too (at least it looks familiar, and since neither of us can remember the name, LOL.) I am going with it.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

OH, Happy 80th birthday to Gary! I didn't realize it was his big 8-0!! How wonderful! Looks like you both celebrated well, with the ride to the beach and a lovely lunch with a view, and a delicious half German/half American? chocolate cake. LOL. Love that clock/picture frame gift! How very thoughtful! Your new phone is really sweet, and I didn't realize the story behind the Broncos phone when you showed it in a previous post not too long ago. I can imagine how difficult that was for you to give up Tom's phone. Sending you extra (((hugs))). You can rest assured that he is smiling down at you without the use of the phone, and he no longer has that machine mask on his face, and he is very happy for you. We don't really understand exactly what people can see or know from heaven, but we can imagine that they see things from God's perspective there, and they rejoice with for us when we are able to find peace and joy again. Please be careful during this next storm. We still don't know exactly how big it will get and where it will make landfall, but we do know it will effect all us in this state in one way or another, so just be prepared and stay safe. We look forward to hearing from each other again on the other side of Milton. Take care my friend. (((hugs)))

Terri D said...

Happy birthday to Gary!! What a fun celebration you had!! That clock with your picture is such a great gift and the words are perfect. I missed Helene while I was in Ohio. Fortunately there was no damage here. Fingers crossed that we can get through Milton with no damage as well. Guess we'll see you on the other side of it!! Be safe, you two!! xo

Mari said...

Hapy Birthday to Gary! Looks like a good celebration. We have Crumbl cookies here too and sometimes a rep brings some to the office. They have special cookie cutters that cut them into quarters because they are so big! (but good!) I really like the clock. Yes - Gary does not look his age. :)
I'm so glad you and Gary understand what the other has gone through and continues to in these moments.
Praying for you as we wait on Milton!

Sandy said...

Sounds like a wonderful birthday for Gary. The beach is always my place as you know:) I am one of those that can fully imagine letting that phone go. Y’all take care and I will praying for your safety as Milton heads east.

Hurricane(s) and a Birthday

source I cannot add anything new to what has already been said regarding the tragedies of Hurricane Helene; but I do thank the Lord for the ...