Saturday, April 20, 2024

A Week in the Life Of

close-up of Magnolia next-door

It's been an engrossing week here, but in the process I managed to collect snapshots, "blog fodder," as I like to call them. I'll begin with nature because when it involves flowers, the words flow out of my fingertips easily.

our neighbor's Magnolia tree

The Magnolia's have read the memo, "It's time to bloom!" and they are, all over our community! From a distance the flowers look to me like popcorn on nearly every branch but up close, the milky blooms are large and graceful. They don't last long at all, but even as they are fading, the petals become a pleasing shade of goldy-brown.

Vanity plate at a car show

Not to be outdone by the Magnolia trees, purple-pink field flowers grow wild alongside our North Central Florida highways. They make a carpet of deep blush that softens the reality of our increased traffic. It seems everybody wants to move to Florida! Or I should say, Floridahhh! (I have no picture of them from our moving vehicle.)

glass-topped table on our lanai
overlooking the red Hibiscus bush

We spend some time almost every day on the lanai with our books, puzzles, sometimes music, and just enjoying the peace of this retreat. As I type this afternoon, I am sitting at the table with a fan blowing toward me. We're at just about 90 degrees this afternoon.

car show in Dunnellon

Both last Saturday and again today, we've gone to car shows. These have been our first since trading in the 2002 Ford Thunderbird for a small pick-up truck (2023 Ford Maverick). 

2002 Ford Thunderbird with only 16,000 miles
photo by Terri D of Your Friend From Florida

The truck has been more practical for our needs, but the T-Bird was like a special jewel in our garage. Those who know our story will remember that Gary acquired the car and me the same week, so wonderful memories are wrapped up with that. He likes to say, "I had to get the car to get the girl," which is absolutely not true, but the car did add some fun magic!

brand new Ford Maverick 2023

Yes, we've seen the news story on TV that our truck has yet another recall by Ford. It's the 3rd one since we bought it last fall, so we're not happy about that. 

Gary bought this shirt for me as an early Mother's Day gift. We spent several hours at the Ford dealership getting a recall matter fixed, along with a routine tire rotation and an oil change.

As they say, "I digress." Getting back to the car shows, there's a lot of crazy stuff at these events. But admission is usually free and on a pleasant day, it's good entertainment with plenty of sunshine and free Vitamin D on the skin. Here are some of the wild things we saw today:

Gary knows the makes and years of the majority of what we see, being quite the car buff himself. Me, I just like to tag along and enjoy the time with my fella!

This last vehicle is an Econoline truck similar to what Gary drove in his USAF Air Police days. The ones he drove were dark blue with a red light on top that the fellas dubbed "the bubble gum machine." 

By the way, once a security cop, always a security cop. This man knows the rules and he follows them!

sign is a recent purchase from 
Hobby Lobby with a birthday gift card ðŸ˜Š

Moving to other events of this past week, our kitchen has demanded unplanned attention with a water puddle on the tile floor. To condense the story, the water line to the refrigerator was fine, but something deep inside the inner workings of the 17-year old unit was awry.

out with the old (a Kenmore Elite)

We agreed it was time to shop for a new one. As my late husband liked to say, "Money -- there's more where that went!"

new refrigerator just unpacked from the truck

Gary, who is excellent at product research (he takes a lot of clues from Consumer Reports magazine), narrowed the choices down and we made our final decision with a purchase at Lowe's. 

in with the new! (Whirlpool)

Features I love about this new appliance:
-- the easy-clean stainless steel that accepts refrigerator magnets
-- ice bucket inside the freezer drawer
-- water dispenser inside the refrigerator 
-- deep door pockets
-- freezer drawer below refrigerator

Since it's been my lot in life to move many times, I have definite opinions on refrigerators. When I began cooking in Gary's kitchen I recognized that the refrigerator was not what I would have chosen, but it came with the house when he bought it and at the time it was operating well. Now we have a model we both like and I've added just a few magnets to the door:

Colorado Columbines
skyline of Boise, Idaho
Denver's skyline
Old Faithful
reminder magnet

We don't use ice much, so the ice bucket inside the freezer instead of outside on the door is my preference. I bought a scoop at Walmart and keep it in the bucket. I've done it this way before in a previous house and liked it just fine. There is also an easy-access inside water dispenser.

Gary's decorating style is less "busy" than mine, and that's okay. I've got a box of many more magnets, but these 5 will suffice, representing history from each of us.

my homemade cookbook binder
sits on the counter full-time

Before we leave the subject of the kitchen, we ended up making one more purchase this week -- another refrigerator! Gary's habit is to keep batteries in the fridge so they last longer. Also, when we combined our households, we both had a lot of ice bags of useful sizes that we wanted to keep. Of course all these non-food items take up valuable space! 

retrieving refrigerator 
at Best Buy

An "Insignia" brand, this little cutie fits perfectly at the end of the kitchen counter for easy access AND a little more counter surface when I need it.

Yes, we have two microwaves and they serve us well. 'Nuff said.

Our week also included some medical matters (all routine, all good), calls and an appointment regarding financial matters, walking in our neighborhood as time and weather allowed, and most fun of all, a drive one hour north of here to visit Pam and John. 

Gary met these wonderful people about 18 months ago when their kids accepted into their consignment shop many of the knick-knacks and some furniture from when I was selling my house. Last week Gary told me he wanted us to go see them again, so the four of us met at a small country cafe for a wonderful lunch. 

John and Gary have been employed by the government in law enforcement, so they have that in common. And of course, many of my readers know Pam and I met through our blogs in about 2017. 

The Watchmaker's Daughter
another recent purchase from 
Hobby Lobby with a birthday gift card ðŸ˜Š

As time allowed, I have been entranced with this book on the life of Corrie ten Boom. The movie of her story came out in the mid 1970's but I am only now reading the book. It is hard to put down and full of lessons on good character in the worst of times. I'm not done with it yet but I can sum it up this way:


Lawrence Jones, far left on
Fox & Friends
Another public figure I've come to appreciate of late is Lawrence Jones. In looking him up regarding his faith, I found this quote that spoke well of him, also illustrating feelings many of us have had:

"You start getting tested... For me, the faith walk became real when life became real, and when you're alone and you don't have that support system being with you every single day.

Part of the Gospel itself is understanding that Christ paid it all because I'm imperfect. Anytime that we try to project ourselves as these perfect beings, I think we take His glory away, because .. if we have it all together, then He wouldn't need to pay it all on the cross for our sins."

morning flowers on our golf course

This past week has been full with mostly the requirements of keeping up with life. I thank the Lord for His provisions, protection, and personal relationship with His people. I hope you can say the same.

Until next time, grace and peace.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your blog! We named our daughter, Corrie, after Corrie ten Boom. Our Corrie struggles with health issues, but she is filled with grace and peace that can only from our God - just like Corrie ten Boom was!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yes, you have definitely had a full week, and I am so glad you found the time to include US in your schedule! It was a wonderful visit and we both enjoyed visiting with you both so much! We must do it again and not wait too long! I love your new refrigerator! Very sleek and beautiful! And you even got a little bonus fridge for the leftovers (lol). So cute. I often wish I had another refrigerator, but we just don't have a spot to put it. But, then again, we don't do as much entertaining as we used to and we really don't need it as much as when we had extra people in our house more often. But still...there are times! I love the car show you went to. Those are all so cool!!I am a classic car kind of gal. That magnolia blossom is gorgeous! The one across the street from us is starting to bloom also, and I need to go "smell the blossoms" before they all disappear! Thank you for the reminder! I enjoyed your post and even more your visit. Thank you again!! Oh, and yes, I also appreciate Lawrence Jones on Fox. Thank you for sharing his testimony with us. That makes me like him even more. Blessings to all!

Terri D said...

My refrigerator is leaking, just like yours! There is a towel on the floor all the time. I need a new one and love the one you chose! If you don't mind would you please send me the size and brand/model? I hate the one that came with the house. The freezer is too small and the fridge part is crazy difficult to access. I want yours!! And Gary has already done the research!! Loved my visit with you here, dear friend. I'm happy your got to spend some time with Pam and John! We really need to plan a girls' day again!! Love & hugs!

Mari said...

I came to love magnolias when we were down South last year. I wish we could grow them here.
The car show had some interesting things! I'm sure Gary loved checking out all those cars.
I saw on Pam's blog that you had visited. It's so nice to meet up with blog friends!
I haven't heard of Lawrence Jonas. I'll have to look him up.
I have a refrigerator that is very similar to yours. I really like it.

Sandy said...

Enjoyed following along with your week. We have a water dispenser inside our refrigerator as well. Ours was because the wall next to the refrigerator won’t accommodate a double door fridge.
Spring is such a pretty time with all the wildflowers. I might be in favor of closing Florida’s borders:)

Robin in Virginia said...

It looks like you had a fun time at the car show, Barbara. The magnolia blooms you shared are beautiful. The new refrigerator looks great. I love having a bottom drawer freezer. Your outing to see Pam and John sounded like a good adventure. Have a blessed Sunday and a wonderful week.

ellen b. said...

Nice to get caught up with your comings and goings and in betweens. How nice to meet up with Pam and John. Those cars are something else. Hooray for a new refrigerator that you both are enjoying. Thanks for that scoop idea. I need to get one for Greg! Happy Sunday to the two of you!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

What a wise and wonderful quote from Lawrence Jones! I love seeing the "gang" on Fox & Friends every weekday morning; I always feel they can be trusted as they're never hesitant to share their faith with their audience while delivering the news.
I'm so delighted, too, that Gary and you had lunch with Pam and John this week. An inspirational group, indeed, and much loved by all who follow her blog.
Blessings, Barbara!

Creations By Cindy said...

Loved all your wonderful pictures dear Barbara. I also love that you and Gary do so much together and enjoy life so much. That's how it should be too. Glad y'all together with Pam and John. What a sweet time I know you all had together. Happy New week to you and praying blessing after blessings comes your way. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Really lovely flowers. They make one happy that Spring is here at last.

It's a while since we went to a car show. Loved your selection of photos. Thank you.

God bless always.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Carol said...

Oh, those magnolias are gorgeous, Barbara! It's a shame they don't last longer, isn't it? The car show looks quite entertaining--love the sign on that one that says "Please Be Patient, I'm 93 Years Old" :) You'll love your new refrigerators! My in-laws who lived in Naples always had a small fridge like that and it came in so handy when entertaining. Plus--as you say--added counter space. No matter how big the kitchen, we can always use more counter space :) Enjoy your week! ♥

Joyce said...

We have a small Magnolia and it's blooming. I absolutely love the flowers, but you're right, they don't last long. My hubs has a 1970 MG we bought in the UK, so it's right hand drive. It's a fun car, totally impractical but we enjoy rides in the country. We've taken it to a few car shows too and you're right. It's a culture lol. Corrie ten Boom is one of my heroes. It was nice to catch up here!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

HELP ... Am I in your spam folder? My comments have disappeared again.

God bless.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

The car shows look like such fun! I used to know a lot of the makes and models but haven't kept up! Love that you got to visit with Pam and John. Sounds like you've enjoyed another good week! We have too! Happy weekend!

Becki said...

I don't know Lawrence Jones, but that quote from his is gold. And that picture of the magnolia blossom is great. I don't miss much about our old home, but I do miss the magnolia tree that was outside the living room window.

Mid-October in Florida

  Pumpkins at Publix As I've pointed out many times over the past seven years, Florida is not the mecca for autumn, but attempts are mad...