screensaver mac OS Sonoma Version 14.4.1 |
You can see from the snapshot of my computer screen saver that I'm writing on Saturday, March 30 at 3:51pm. This week has been full with getting important matters addressed.
Now that Saturday afternoon has arrived, it's good to be able to look back on the Lord's watch care, provision, protection, and absolute faithfulness. Truly, His mercies are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father.
Does this happen to you? I wake up when it's too early to get up and, immediately, troubling thoughts bombard me.
Did I do .....
Have I taken care of .....
What if.....
How can I possibly.....
Why did .....
Can this be fixed .....
This disparaging train of thought had been going on for years, but it increased greatly after a loss blindsided me a few years ago, when more responsibilities were entrusted to me. I know I am not alone; this happens to many of us -- worries keeping us awake.
There were times when I felt as though I was sitting atop the handlebars of a bicycle with no control at all, terrified with not knowing where I was headed nor if I would get there safely.
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In my quiet times with the Lord this week, I learned fear is often based on ignorance -- not ignorance in the way of stupidity or foolishness. Fear comes out of not knowing the things we need to know, not understanding how things work, or how to approach circumstances and problems. At least, I know this has been true for me.
Most recently my early-hour-worries have been about updating my computer and responsible storage of documents. I have been fearful about even asking for help because in the past, sometimes the end result was that features valuable to me got lost. Lately, even though I had good sources to help me, I didn't know how to articulate the problems.
The revelation that fear comes from ignorance helped me to understand the source of my worries. Nothing would help unless I sought to learn new things, to be teachable. And to be humble about it. Admit my need for help and just swallow it if I am criticized for it.
I went to a class to listen and take notes. I made a call for help and showed up for the appointment. To my surprise (and great relief) help was given by those who know the subject thoroughly. They were kind in answering my questions.
Sometimes we have to risk looking ignorant to get the answers we need. There is no shame in asking for help. The mistake is in knowing we need advice but not doing anything constructive about it.
birthday card from blog reader, Robin |
Along the way, I've discovered the value in words of the Psalmist who meditates on his bed at night.
When I remember thee upon my bed,
And meditate on thee in the night watches.
Because thou hast been my help,
Therefore in the shadow of thy wings
will I rejoice.
Psalm 63:6-8
Often I will pray silently with my head on my pillow, my husband sleeping peacefully beside me. The outline for these prayers is The Lord's Prayer, personalized with the problems and the people who concern me:
Our Father in Heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our debts as
we forgive those indebted to us
Lead us not into temptation
Deliver us from evil
For Thine is the kingdom
and the power and the glory forever
I insert my own words of praise, gratitude, needs, and confessions into the phrases.
This practice works for me when I genuinely believe God hears me. And He does, but He requires my sincere belief. Hebrews 11:6 tells us "without faith, it is impossible to please Him."
On this Easter weekend, I am reminded of how God responded to man's need for help, for a way to connect with Him, for a way to be free from all the wrongdoing we've done, the messes we've created, the inadvertent mistakes, and just plain ignorance.
Sam Pallot, World of Prayers |
Both on a practical level and spiritually, God through Jesus Christ, reaches out to us. We have hope. This is our answer. This is what Easter says to me.
Until next time, grace and peace.