Saturday, September 9, 2023

Comfortable Routines

Google Bicycle Water Color

It is late on Friday afternoon as I begin this post but I don't expect to complete and publish it until Saturday or Sunday. There's about half an hour to fill here before we begin our usual "Friday Night Date Night," and getting a start on a blog post seems the perfect "filler."

I really like water color art and have recently discovered how easy it is to find free examples of this on the Internet to supplement my blog posts. Water color has such a gentleness to it, not harsh or sharp. 

Regarding this week's water color, my readers know Gary and I ride our bicycles nearly every morning of the week...

a selfie of our shadows

I took this snapshot during the first of our two water breaks. Creatures of habit, we usually take the same route and stop at the same two places for a few sips of water during the 45-minute ride. Gary carries the water bottle in a clasp-thing on his bike.

You can't see them in this picture, but if you look at the grassy distance to the left of the STOP sign, there are cows grazing for breakfast. Some homes in our 55+ community back up to pasture lands, some homes have a lake behind them, some trees and the homes of fellow residents, and then there are those like us back up to tree-lined street. It's all quite beautiful.

Gary's friend sent us this cartoon the other day. Can you, like us, relate?

from a friend

I don't even need to ask. I KNOW Gary and I are not alone in our agreement that this is a statement illustrating life for many of us in the senior crowd. In spite of what AI (artificial intelligence) may say, life is not as simple as it used to be. 

Moving from Friday afternoon to Saturday...

Friday night supper

My typing hit a pause late yesterday afternoon so we could begin our usual habit of "Friday Date Night." Unless we have tickets for a music concert at the neighboring retirement community, we seldom leave the house after dark (or when it would be dark on our arrival at home). We just like it that way. We're seniors. We can give ourselves a sunset curfew if we want.

Anyway, the menu for Friday night supper is "Gary's World Famous Popcorn." He's been making popcorn on the stove since he was a kid living at home with his parents in Idaho. The stained, warped metal pot he uses is nearly as old as I am. Afterwards we pick our teeth with those little plastic disposable brushes (oh yeah! This is date night!) while watching the news and then decide on a movie to watch.

what's left of my family's movie collection

Before Gary and I got together, I had two full bookcases between 4 and 5 feet tall of DVD movies that my family of five had collected over the years. As I reduced the volume of my stuff to move into Gary's house, what you see in the above picture is what managed to survive the transition. Now, well over a year later, we've seen probably all the ones Gary is interested in from these shelves, and the rest are my favs (or ones I'm not ready to abandon).

It's been a curious study of men to note what interests one but not the other. Formerly my shelves had a lot of science fiction (Star Wars, Star Trek, etc) and the Rocky Balboa flicks. Gary's preference is more for police stories, and historical war themes, as well as westerns. And classic cars. He definitely appreciates old cars.

Oddly enough for the romantic that he is, the Hallmark Channel just about makes him upchuck ðŸ¤®, but he does choose older musicals with Natalie Wood, Debbie Reynolds, Connie Francis, and such. Watching a movie at home is what we do most Friday nights.

blogging from the lanai

Our weather has begun the turn toward the reason many people move to Florida-- our nighttime low temps are now dipping into the upper 60's, which means our daytime highs are more tolerable. Today we had lunch on the lanai, and since then I've taken over that same table to write this blog post. We've got the big windows wide open, fans are whirring, and I can see the red Hibiscus bush just a few feet from where I'm sitting. It's delightful!!

Stacy's Vincas

The cooler air is re-vitalizing neighborhood flowers. We've been waiting to add more blooms and bushes to our back yard, not wanting them to cook in the worst of summer's heat. 

one of our neighbors has decorated for autumn

Returning to the subject of routines, we get our yard work, house chores, appointments and errands done in the mornings, as much as is practically possible. After lunch (and often a nap), we sit on the lanai with books -- mostly biographies. Of late we have learned the details and opinions of Lauren Bacall, Robert Wagner, Haylie Mills, Paul Anka, Billy Crystal, George W. Bush, and Alec Baldwin. I'm about half-way through Mike Lindell's bio (of My Pillow fame). 

The lives of these personalities span many years with adventures from sedate to shocking, and much in-between. While their choices often veer off from what I would deem wise, there are still helpful lessons to be learned and conclusions we can take away from the consequences of their decisions.

a Gecko on our front patio--
one of MANY

In addition to the current biography on my table, I'm adding to my private journal some quotes worthy of further thought or meditation. These are from author Lysa TerKeurst in her study book, Finding I Am:

~ Unrealistic expectations often lead to our greatest frustrations.
~ Don't expect a tidy life.
~ We learn obedience by the things we suffer.

These thoughts basically repeat a theme I've been focused on for months; our Lord warns us to not expect a trouble-free life. 

But with that said, all is not lost. With Jesus Christ as the Lord of our lives, He gives meaning, purpose, and significance to all we experience. He tells us this in John 10:10,

The thief comes only to steal 
and kill and destroy;
I have come that they may have life,
and have it to the full.

Until next time, grace and peace.

P.S. I nearly forgot --- several of my readers did not catch in my last post that I have, indeed found a new church. I ended that discussion with what is apparently subtle confirmation that my search was successful. 

As my friend Loraine phrased it, I have found a church with more of a feel for "shepherding," which is harder to achieve in a mega-church.  I do not mean to criticize the very large congregations. People need to find the church that best fits with their needs and personalities -- all within the framework of an accurate teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not all methods of worship and structuring of organization reach all people. 

Thanks to those who communicated some concern to me about this. All is good.


Terri D said...

On your last PS, I went with you to your mega church when I was there for my visit with you last year. I was not comfortable with what seemed like a Hollywood production. I love my little church and am glad you found one you like!! I am always happy to visit with you through your blog, Barb!! Hugs for you both!

Mari said...

Your community sounds wonderful. I also like your routine. You get your exercise and chores in, then some relaxing, reading... :) So nice!
I really like watercolors too. My SIL has been doing some online courses on doing watercolors and she's doing great with them.
Glad you found the church that you fit in, for me a smaller church is better too.

Linda said...

Grinning over the Hallmark Channel. You know, Dave is the same way...but he will sit there or walk back and forth and wonder what's going on. LOLOL. Anyways, Gary is my kind of guy, making popcorn the old fashion way, grin. And I had to chuckle over the graphic /phone etc. Yep...I so understand. smiles

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I loved this post and all the pictures and stories behind them. Fun story about the popcorn for supper. I'm glad to see you do actually watch movies with it as well! LOL. And I am very happy for you to have found a new church that seems to fit you better at this stage in life. I pray it will be a place of good spiritual food and fellowship. That's why we love our little church so much. I'm so glad you can ride bikes together every morning. That is very good for both of you, physically and I believe mentally as well! I wish I could ride a bike, but with my prior back surgery, etc., it's just too risky for me. But I can imagine how lovely it is to "fly along", feeling the breeze on your face and enjoying the fresh air! Love that watercolor of the bike. This was all great. Thank you for writing more often these days!!!

Mrs. White said...

I can relate to that comic. Even our local grocery store requires an online account in order to get their discounts. I will not sign up. I just do not have the understanding of how that all works. But most importantly, I do not want to spend the time doing everything online. It is not peaceful.

Your routine sounds wonderful. Getting things done is the morning is always a good idea. I hope the weather is cooling off a little there. God bless!

Robin in Virginia said...

I always enjoy seeing the graphics in your posts whether they are pictures you or Gary have taken or you have found them on the internet, Barbara. The graphic at the train station fits us perfectly. While I do have a cell phone, it is for emergencies only and wouldn't be able to do half the stuff one is "required" to do in this new tech era. Yum on the popcorn. I think I am going to borrow your 'sunset curfew' expression. Routine is good and I like yours. Blessings to you!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

That cartoon says it all, Barbara! I think the older we get, the more we appreciate routines. Naps have become my afternoon go-tos!
Glad you have settled into a new church. We do love the one we recently joined. Everyone is welcomed like family, and that feels wonderful.

ellen b. said...

Yep, I can relate to that cartoon. We are being forced into needing a smartphone for everything. OYE. Airlines are getting stinky about that, too. Hope your new church is a good fit for you and true to the Gospel and all of God's Word. I'll be scarce in Bloggy land until the very end of September. Cheers!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I thought for sure I had commented on this, but now I don't see it. Maybe it is still waiting to be approved? Oh well, I enjoyed this post, and the popcorn and movies and beautiful bike watercolor...and your shadows on your bikes...and yes, all your "comfortable routines". That's what love is all about, being comfortable together even when not doing anything super spectacular...just being. That's what is so pleasant. I am glad you have found a church that suits and meets your needs at this season of life. May the Lord bless you and may it be a place of growing in His grace and well as a place of good fellowship with other believers. Have a lovely week my friend.

Creations By Cindy said...

Oh I do love me some popcorn too! Haven't popped any on the stove in years though. The watercolor of the bike is beautiful. I love watercolors. I am so glad that you a church that you like and feels will fit your needs. I hope your week is going great for you. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Becki said...

~ We learn obedience by the things we suffer. ooooh... that should be cross stitched! lol

I loved another peek into your sweet lives. Your Friday date nights sound very nice, Barbara.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

A Valentine Voyage

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