Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Bicycles, Nutrition, and Friendships

In another month or so it will be three years since Gary told me he wanted to get a bicycle for my [March] birthday. As just one of several adventurous ideas he was coming up with in our early days together, I stuffed my misgivings for the sake of love, took a deep breath and said "yes." 

My long-time readers may remember in our first years, Gary took me on a kayak, a canoe, an air boat, a two-passenger catamaran (boat), and zip lining. (He also took me to Minnesota to meet his family, but that required no athleticism on my part and they were not scary.)

I had not pedaled a bike in some 30 years and that was an extremely short ride. Before that, my biking experience was back in the early 1960s when my parents gave me a bike for my 11th birthday. A couple of years after that, we moved cross-country several times and out of practicality, our bikes were sold.

When given my first bicycle, it took me just one day to learn to ride it, and at my age, there were no training wheels. Then two months later when Sister celebrated her 9th birthday, she was given a new bike, too. After school we often rode down to Beth and Rhonda's house (two sisters close in age like us) and spent the remaining time before supper riding our neighborhood streets together.

Today I am responding to the weekly Hodgepodge questions. The first one reminded me of my early experiences with a real two-wheel bicycle, hence the memories in the previous paragraphs. 

                                                        Hodgepodge Questions-Volume 587

1. What was your after school routine like when you were a kid?

When sister and I came home from school, we would change into our "play clothes." I graduated from high school in 1968, just before public schools began allowing girls to wear slacks/jeans to school. Our usual school clothes were skirts and dresses and flats (pumps) for shoes ("sneakers" for gym class along with the obligatory gym uniform). "Play clothes" were slacks or pedal pushers (today's "capri pants") and sneakers. In Southern California, our pedal pushers were perfect for after-school bicycle rides. (Mama did not allow us to wear shorts after we got to the middle elementary school years.) 

2. January 26 is National Green Juice Day. Do you juice, as in make your own in an attempt to get healthy? Do you do the green juices? What's your favorite kind of juice (home blended or store bought, either one)?

Once upon a time (and for many years) I juiced a lot, especially carrots, greens, and apples.  When I grew tired of cleaning the juicer (I had 3 different models over several years), I morphed into green drinks in my "Vitamix" blender with all manner of fresh greens and protein powders, etc. 

Now I have a small glass of orange juice to moisten my daily Cheerios (instead of milk) and swallow 6 Balance of Nature capsules throughout the day. I gave my Vitamix to my daughter, and use my Oster Blender a few times a month for other recipes as may be needed. I've been subscribed to Balance of Nature for two years and it's working well for me.

3. What's something trivial about which you have a strong opinion?

Disclaimer: if I have a strong opinion, then it's not trivial to me, but it may be to others. 

Most likely due to my upbringing of modest clothing choices, I am very critical of what TV news anchor women choose to wear. A female teacher I had in my latter teen years was a public speaker. She told us (girls) we should not wear clothing that is more interesting than what we have to say. Not only do many TV anchors wear distracting clothes, but often very provocative. Their wardrobe choices distract from the news stories they are supposed to be communicating. Do they want people to hear the news they are paid to report or to focus on their appearance? 

.... of course, that's just it. Some want to communicate a very self-focused message with their clothing.

4. What do you need more of in your life? Less of?

I'm blessed to have what I need for myself but perhaps [based on the previous question-and-answer] I need to give more forbearance with the idiosyncrasies of others.

What do I need less of? Crazy drivers weaving in and out at breakneck speed. For a retirement-dense population, we have a lot of insanity on our roads.

5. Give us three adjectives to describe your January. I'm answering this question with 3 nouns describing my January.




We did not get any snow where we live, but we still covered some of our more vulnerable bushes in anticipation of the cold and rolled out the space heater on the lanai.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 
A highlight since my last post was the visit to our home of one of my long-time blog readers and her husband, who live up in the Frozen North but are in our area to thaw out. Our unusually frigid weather arrived with them, but it's warmer now.

She contacted me last year at about this time to introduce herself as a reader of mine since about 2018 (!!!), having found my blog after reading the blogs of mutual friends. The four of us had such a nice visit last year that we were eager this year to pick up where we had left off. 

good friends from
the Frozen North

Recently I came across a quote that I have since misplaced but the gist of it is that we benefit ourselves when we spend time with people who make us better. 

Here are some validating scriptures on that line of thought:

Proverbs 12:26 The righteous choose their friends carefully ...

Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise ...

I Corinthians 12:26 Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character.

Our conversation over coffee and red velvet cake (with white frosting) was a treat we hope to repeat in future visits!

Until next time, grace and peace!


Mari said...

When I started school we had to wear dresses all the time too. I think I was in 3rd grade when they started letting us wear slacks. Do you remember Culottes? We wore those instead of shorts. I agree with you on modest clothing and like what your teacher had to say about not having your clothes speak for you. Great point!
Glad you had a nice visit with your blog friend!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Yes, we also had to wear dresses to school all the way through 12th grade. However, the skirts did get a little bit shorter in the last year, but still had to be modest and within a couple of inches of the kneecap. LOL. However, living in Florida, I was permitted to wear shorts in the summer time at home. Not short shorts, but "bermuda" style shorts. I agree with you regarding what some news anchor ladies wear...a bit too provocative, if you ask me.
I enjoyed your post and love that you had a nice visit with some another blogging friend and her husband! It's amazing how far our little old blogs reach these days! Hope you have a lovely rest of your week!

Terri D said...

Dress codes in schools were much different back in our days! I graduated in 1970 and we had to wear dresses or skirts and they couldn't be more than four inches above the floor when we would kneel down so the teacher or principal could measure it. If the weather got below 20 degrees, we could wear pants, but it had to be a pant suit (matching). Kids today have no idea!! I enjoyed your post, Barb, and meeting blogging friends in person really is the best!! xo

Robin in Virginia said...

What memories your post brought forward, Barbara! I remember the wearing of dresses and skirts followed by being allowed (when the rules changed) to wearing pants, but they had to be those pantsuits and jeans were still a no-no. I also remember the hideous gym suits beginning in 7th grade. It looks like you had a wonderful visit with your blog friend. Happy Thursday!

Linda said...

I totally agree with on the newswomen. I grew up with a mom and grandmother who pretty much said the same thing...and actually, my mom is aghast I wear pants to work, LOL. And I can't stand stockings, it's just to plum hot here. ANYWAYS, it's nice to meet with friends, smiles. Waving to Gary.

Sandy said...

I actually remember having to line up along the back of the classroom to get our skirts measured which came about 1972ish for me. I also distinctly remember when the teachers were allowed to wear the pant suits. I wholeheartedly agree with #3. When we moved to town from out in the country in 1971, I rode my bicycle all over Brewton. No place was off limits or Mom just didn’t ask ..ha. I logged a lot of miles on my bike.

ellen b. said...

It was fun to read your memories from your earlier years. It made me realize that I never owned a bike growing up and I got my first bike when I was living in Ventura in the 1980's for a bicycling trip our friends planned for us. Love that advice your female teacher gave you about public speaking! 1968 was a great high school graduating year. I might be biased. Great hodgepodge answers! Happy end o January to you.

Creations By Cindy said...

I enjoyed reading your blog today as I smell a fresh apple Bundt cake cooking in the oven using my apples from Mercier's Orchard in Blueridge, Ga. Which I could share with you and Gary. Oh I remember as a young girl loving to ride my bike. I would ride it all around our yard and pretend I was a school bus driver. I have not tried to ride a bike in years. Oh my! Where I live in the country the dirt roads are so dusty that I am sure I would even try it. Loved visiting today Barbara. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Yes, driving has become crazy around here too. People have no consideration for other road users.

God bless always.

Jennifer said...

I would say you have been very adventurous (maybe a bit love struck!):) especially if you agreed to a zip-line! Oh my!! I'm not really adventurous. I don't even own a bike - lol! I loved what your teacher said about public speaking attire. How true. But I really enjoyed your after school memories. We always changed into "after school clothes" as soon as we got home. Makes sense...but only to our generation, I suppose! So glad you had a nice visit. A visit over red velvet cake - sounds nearly perfect!!

Carol said...

Loved your memories of your school days, Barbara! I, too, came from the era of "girls must wear dresses to school!" I think it was in my junior year in 1972 that they finally allowed us to wear pants (no jeans). I walked a mile to school each way and still remember how ice cold my poor legs would be while wearing dresses. Glad they finally gave in :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ♥

Joyce said...

I think in elementary school we mostly wore dresses, but in high school we could wear pants. We definitely had school clothes and play clothes and church clothes and we wore church clothes if we were going somewhere by airplane. Times have definitely changed. I saw a girl in her pajamas and BATHROBE in the CVS the other day. Anything goes I guess???

Becki said...

I'm 10 or eleven years younger, but I remember these styles in my elementary years. By jr. high we were wearing hip hugger bell bottom jeans, and dressing for school became much more relaxed from that point on. I have fondly thought back to pedal pushers and have actually enjoyed seeing similar styles now. I prefer that look over the current wide legged, cropped pants I keep seeing for spring. By the time my eye gets used to them, we'll be on to the next thing. ;^)

Photo Journal of the Past Week

The Azalea bushes are competing with each other this month for the most vibrant and voluminous of blooms. This rosy pink planting beside our...